How can I get my chickens to eat from this feeder?

Why don't chickens like these PVC bucket feeders? One reason, eye placement. When you look at an animal pay attention to the eye placement. Predators like hawks, humans, cats, dogs, all have eyes on the front of their skull so they have binocular vision for excellent depth perception. Eyes are close together basically and aimed forward only. Prey animals like cattle, chickens, rabbits and the like only survive and pass on their genes if their eyes are on the side of their head. They eyes are far apart. Much wider visual range to spot predators coming after them. You watch a rabbit that freezes on the lawn, he looks at you sideways, not straight on. Watch a cat stalking, facing straight ahead. Prey animals are also constantly on guard, head on a swivel, fast jerky movements.

With that said, you are asking a prey animal that is genetically coded to be aware of its surroundings to stick it's head chest deep in a dang hole. They aren't going to ever be comfortable, especially in a free range situation.

However, hunger is a powerful motivator for chickens. If you are willing to show some tough love, put the feeders in place and provide no other feed, the chickens are guaranteed not to starve themselves to death. Usually a half day and they will trample their grandma to use a feeder. If they can scratch up old feed out of the litter or fill up on grass, might take longer.
They are actually accustomed to it now.

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