How can I get them tamed?

I held my little chicks, one at a time, under a heating pad while I would watch tv. Some of them would cuddle up and fall asleep on me, others would only tolerate it for a little bit.

I have 4 chicks I got when they were a little older, like 3-4 weeks. I took them out one at a time and gave them lots of mealworms, and they follow me around like dogs now! I’ll go sit outside by them and and they hop right into my lap.

Well there's my problem then. I don't sit still long enough to watch tv ... or snuggle with them individually! I'm too hyper. Or restless. Or something.
From personal experience, most birds won’t come around till after the first three weeks and get pass the shy stage, and get more experience them selves, and actually understand your no harm to them, but you must prove that to a bird.Mine are five weeks and are jumping and climbing all over me.I spend most time talking and holding them to adventually they just get over it,I never chase or “Snatch” birds.I also sit treats in my lap which then encourages them to sit on my lap.
From personal experience, most birds won’t come around till after the first three weeks and get pass the shy stage, and get more experience them selves, and actually understand your no harm to them, but you must prove that to a bird.Mine are five weeks and are jumping and climbing all over me.I spend most time talking and holding them to adventually they just get over it,I never chase or “Snatch” birds.I also sit treats in my lap which then encourages them to sit on my lap.
Same for me. As tiny babies they're all terrified of me, but as they get older they get much more friendly and curious.

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