How can I help my duck lose fat when she has an infection?


Aug 29, 2022
She is one years old and she’s a duck. She usually eats Manna pro duck feed, but she’s been eating tomatoes and eggs as her main meals lately.

I believe she’s having trouble laying eggs because she’s gotten too fat. It’s likely unhealthy for her, so I’d like to help her however I can, but I’m unsure how since she can’t exercise. The vet hasn’t been able to examine what infection it is. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
-Did your vet say she was fat?
-What breed is she and how much does she weigh?
-Does she have oyster shells available to her?
-Have you tried giving her calcium gluconate?
Cut out all extras and put her solely on her feed.
Is there a reason she is not eating her regular feed? Could the infection be what is causing the laying issues?

Oh, no. We ran out of her duck feed and the delivery is taking awhile so she’s eating tomatoes and eggs as her main meals now.
It’s possible.
-Did your vet say she was fat?
-What breed is she and how much does she weigh?
-Does she have oyster shells available to her?
-Have you tried giving her calcium gluconate?
Cut out all extras and put her solely on her feed.
No, they said she’s rather skinny, but I believe that’s only because they don’t see her after she’s eaten. After she’s eaten, it’s very difficult to believe she’s at all skinny.

She’s a Pekin duck and she currently weights 6 lb.
She doesn’t.
We haven’t, but we have been giving her calcium every now and then.
No, they said she’s rather skinny, but I believe that’s only because they don’t see her after she’s eaten. After she’s eaten, it’s very difficult to believe she’s at all skinny.

She’s a Pekin duck and she currently weights 6 lb.
She doesn’t.
We haven’t, but we have been giving her calcium every now and then.
If she is only 6lb for a pekin she is about 2lbs smaller than the average female pekin. 2lbs may not seem like much, but it is a quite a bit to be under. It would be like a woman who is supposed to weigh 125lbs to be a healthy weight weighing only 93-94lbs. The vet also said she was skinny which means she is not just a smaller pekin, but actually underweight. Please please please do not try to get her to lose weight or cut back food. The pudge/bludging stomach that ducks get after eating is actually their crop and it is supposed to fill up and look bulgy after eating. Sometimes it will look like a duck went from a A cup chest to DD. Again that is supposed to happen. Then it empties overnight so they can refill it the next day. That is how a ducks digestive system works. If her crop was not filling up after eating then there would be a problem. She needs to have access to oyster shells at all times. That is why she is having laying issues. Ducks need to be able to maintain their own calcium levels and not only have access to it every now and then.
Having a full crop does not mean she is fat. If the vet said she's skinny then she's probably skinny. Pekin usuallly weigh eight to ten pounds. Give her duck food.
Oh, that’s true. Is it normal for her stomach to nearly reach the ground after eating (genuine question)?
If she is only 6lb for a pekin she is about 2lbs smaller than the average female pekin. 2lbs may not seem like much, but it is a quite a bit to be under. It would be like a woman who is supposed to weigh 125lbs to be a healthy weight weighing only 93-94lbs. The vet also said she was skinny which means she is not just a smaller pekin, but actually underweight. Please please please do not try to get her to lose weight or cut back food. The pudge/bludging stomach that ducks get after eating is actually their crop and it is supposed to fill up and look bulgy after eating. Sometimes it will look like a duck went from a A cup chest to DD. Again that is supposed to happen. Then it empties overnight so they can refill it the next day. That is how a ducks digestive system works. If her crop was not filling up after eating then there would be a problem. She needs to have access to oyster shells at all times. That is why she is having laying issues. Ducks need to be able to maintain their own calcium levels and not only have access to it every now and then.
That’s true. I’ll try to feed her more often and find some oyster shells for her soon. Thank you.
Post a picture of her tummy near the ground. Pekins are bigger birds and mines belly’s will sometimes touch the ground. How much are you feeding her? 6 pounds is too skinny for pekins. I believe it’s best to fill up a bowl and let them eat free choice unless a vet says otherwise. Is there a feed store you could pick up any type of chicken or duck feed from to hold her over until she gets her feed?

Edit to add- she may need more calcium than just getting some here and there. Get some crushed oyster shell, put it in a dish or feeder and leave it out. She will eat what she needs.

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