How can I make my chickens scared of us?

My RIR's are the same way. They fear absolutely nothing now. They terrorize my cats. It is funny in a way, because when I first got them the cats were in pounce mode. Now they will chase my cats around the yard for no reason. They also like to peck debris out of the cat's fur. They no longer get scrapes unless the chickens are put up. They steal everything from the cats. I have also caught them chasing my Feist mix around, which is not a good idea for the chicken's sake. They make me laugh every day with their antics though.
Mine never makes a sound, but like I said, she is scared of everyone else. I don't even know what her egg song sounds like. Seems like others have said they are quieter than most breeds -- and chickens aren't really quiet animals. There's a whole thread about Orpingtons on here (at least one) -- maybe it would tell you.
I agree, it is pretty funny, especially to see them stealing food from a large dog (I am glad she is so docile, most dogs would not have put up with that). But, I don't find it so funny when they peck my legs!
Guineas are very noisy, doesn't sound like you need that. Try showing them a recipe for crock-pot chicken or chicken n dumplings.
Perhaps providing ad lib feed might correct the behavior.
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As someone else posted, I would keep them penned more often & only feed them in the pen. It sounds like they associate you with food & that is why the follow you around. I know that my chickens see my red feed can & they surround me. I don't mean to be offensive & please don't take it that way but what are you feeding them & how much? I wonder if hanging cabage & sute blocks in the pen or out in the yard would help give them something to do so they would be less inclinded to look for food when you walk out the door.
My black australorps are also quiet and quite docile. They don't panic if I pick them up off the roost -- and I never made any effort to tame any of my chickens. Same for the speckled sussex; often I can actually reach down and pet them.

I've read conflicting reports about SLW -- might not be wise to start from chicks with them. I had two that we processed because they were so mean, always in attack mode, and one was a hen. Others say what the above poster did, that they are well behaved and gentle. Guess it depends what the hatchery crossed them with that year.
They need to respect you as higher in the pecking order, there are strategies for this while on the roost grab said chicken and carry it around letting them know your the boss if they try pecking during this grab the beak firmly. When they learn you are the boss then you can control them when the dogs are out.
Also chasing them until they run like hell is a good way to let them know your the boss. If you back down then they think they are above you in the pecking order. As far as ripping things out of the dogs mouth , do they have access to food all the time, maybe they are hungry.
I have a 5yr old poodle and she helps me herd , the minute one of them turns around to spur her I am there to back her up. They know she is not to be messed with.

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