How can I make my chickens scared of us?

My RIRs don't have a single mean bone in their body, but it's because I diciplined them. At the first sign of a chicken getting ready to flog of charge, I would grab them and pin them down. I would then flick the head. Not enough to hurt them, but enough to really show them who's boss. This only took maybe five times, and to this day my RIR (hatchery) will not show ANY kinds of aggression at all towards people. This was at a point where they seemed to want to dominate everything around them, so I showed them they could not, and it worked. They do peck hard, but only because they think the moles on us are food, lol.

Oh, and they do bully my dog, but only when he sniffs their butts, lol. My duck shows them good if they mess with her.

EDIT: They also aren't afraid of me, but respect me. I know this because they are very tame, but as soon as I start to pick on them (If I have too) they back down and run.
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Thanks for the suggestions, purr. We did give up on chasing them because it didn't seem to be working, but maybe we should have continued until we got them running. Will also try carrying them around - do they have to be on the roost first? Or can we just grab them any time? They're easy to grab since they don't run from us. They have access to their feed all the time, and full-time access to the compost pile, which they spend half the day digging around in. They also get other treats like yogurt and scrambled eggs (which I always give them inside their coop). They definitely aren't doing it because they are hungry!
Yes, if you chase them until they are full out runnign from you then they will see you as dominant.

I can't remember what you said you had for dogs, but when my chicks were growing up they started to get rough with my aussie/beagle mix and I did the same thing with her. Get the dogs to chase the chickens a little. MAKE SURE the dogs don't harm the chickens.... I would only allow the dogs to do this when they are on a leash. Especially if they don't respond immediately to your commands. Run along side them so the chickens get the point that you ALL are higher in the pecking order.

Hope this helps.... I know it worked for me! She now confidently herds them back to the coop for me or chases off the rooster! LOL...

Good luck!

Edited for clarification
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nope anytime you can grab them is's just easy for me to get the exact one I want to grab it off the roost. Sounds like they just need to learn respect. I should say this doesn't always work I had a golden polish rooster that was impossible no matter what I tried. I rehomed him to a family who didn't have small children. My grandchildren were in danger with him and it was that or the stew pot
Thanks everyone for the helpful suggestions. We'll show them who's boss!

mychookschick - it's actually funny because I had a post on here when we first started letting the chickens free range about my little dog (a minpin) chasing them. It took us forever to break her of that (a hose did the trick), but now they are bigger than her and have no fear anymore. It's kind of funny to watch her because you can tell she is torn - she wants to chase them but is also afraid of them since they began trying to peck her. She is definitely not a herding dog, but when she sees us chasing them, she tries to join in.
They are no louder than your RIRs. I love my Buff Orpingtons, they will let me pet them, but they won't purposely hurt you. They follow me on the lawnmower so I have to keep them penned up.
This a conditioning related problem. I suspect most of your past interaction with these buggers has involved you accompanied by presence of food. At some point, roosters figured out pestering you gave them control over when more food could be had. I recommend increasing interaction time between you and trouble makers making certain food is available only at feeding time and make certain you have complete control over when food is available. Carry an empty feed bucket around as well so they will learn you do not have food all of time. It will take some time to untrain them so be patient and do not over react when they have a tantrum. Getting pecked or flogged is not fun but an adult human can take what your brats can deliver. They are trying to get a reaction, do not show it.
I have a minpin too! Count yourself lucky she doesn't chase, mine still does. He killed 2 of my chickens, one of which was a RIR cross, and the other was a silkie (which is explainable). He is also afraid of the neighbourhood cat, which has 3 legs and can't run faster than I walk . I suppose it depends...
I have never actually USED it, but my girls are scared to death of the broom!!
All I have to do is show it to them, and they're off light a bolt of lightning!
They also are scared of the hose, which I HAVE used on occasion


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