How can I stop the mean roo from jumping on me , I'm thinking murder!

Our mean roo ended up on the dinner table. He was picking on dh and me, but never did anything to the kids. We just couldn't live with his behavior anymore unfortunately.

I recently saw a post about a mean rooster. I'd try going through the search to see what you can find.

I will tell you the one thing that worked for me, and I am not sure it will help you at all.

I went to the hen house at night with a flashlight to look for eggs, and the roo came at me. I shined that thing in his face and hollered NO! at the top of my lungs and flung my arm out. He stopped. This was 3 months ago, ish....

A few weeks ago I went out again with the flashlight - first time since the incident. He saw that flashlight and made all kinds of grumlbing noises while he turned in a 180 so his back was facing me.

He DOES NOT like that flashlight!

For other suggestions, look for rehabilitating roos in the search. I know there is a good post here somewhere for that!
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Give his tail a good yank.and a harsh NO!
It worked for me.and almost have him eating from my
hand.... almost LOL but he is as sweet as can be..

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