How can I tell if my shipped eggs are "scrambled" or intact ??


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 3, 2012
My shipped eggs arrived today. Di spite the sellers markings of FRAGILE all over the box, it was still smashed. Luckily she packaged them well so only 2 eggs were broken. I am really worried that the others are ruined now. Is there anyway to tell? Can I candle them....if i do what do i look for ?? They are resting at room temp pointy side down right now on my counter. advice?
I candle mine to see if I can see like an "air bubble" move around that is when I think that the egg has detached air cell?? I'm actually gonna go do lthat right now, have 24 to candle BLRW, GLW and turkeys

when i candle them I don't see bubbles i don't think. But a dark mass at the top....maybe the yolk???? i guess I don't really know what I am looking for.
Thank you :) They are in they incubator. Fingers crossed. I am not going to mess with them except to fill the water and turn them. I hope for at least 1 !!!
I took them out and put them into cut down egg cartons than put them back in....quickly! I put them pointy side down. They are set at 99.6 and some water in it. I am using the Brinsea Mini Advanced. I am so worried that I did something wrong or that they got to roughed up.....time will tell :)

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