How can you tell when they're going to lay?

Fruit Juice

10 Years
Mar 13, 2009
Boulder, CO
I knnow about squatting, but is the a comb size or something? I know, I'm being impatient, there only 14 weeks, but I'd still like to know...
My red sex links are getting ready to lay. They are 18 wks. Their combs and wattles are getting bigger and redder, their bottoms have filled out, and I have noticed them squatting down more. They are more vocal too... I actually came running the other morning because one of them made a bok bok bok bakaw noise really loud. I thought for sure I would find the first egg, but not yet! The suspense is killing me!

I think there is some change in their vents, too but I don't know what to look for.

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