How cold is too cold?


10 Years
May 15, 2009
I have 4 hens that are 6 months old. My coop is a 8 X 10 shed with insulation in the walls and roof. I am using the deep litter method to keep the floor warm. They are out of drafts and the coop is not damp.

We live in New Hampshire and I am wondering what temperature is too cold for a chicken? At what temp should I add a heat light or small heater?

Thanks in advance.
There are many threads discussing this topic - this one is quite long, but many people from VERY cold places weighed in, and I think it's worth going through all the posts

live in north western Virginia and we had daytime highs in the 20s (Fahrenheit) for a stretch last year - below zero at night. The coop is insulated, but unheated, and each time I opened the coop in the mornings, the temp inside the coop was always about 15-20 degrees warmer. My chickens don't seem to mind the cold as much as they do the heat. I did have one roo get frost bit on his comb from staying outside all day in 20 degree weather with a whipping wind.

Hope that helps!
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it sounds as though you are set up for cold weather, and so long as the bottom of the coop and the roosting areas are draft-free the birds should be fine. Since you are using deep-litter method I assume you have enough ventilation high in the eaves to get ammonia out? If this is your first winter you can build a huddle box to ease your fears, but your climate is much like ours and I think you will be fine. Ise a 250W light from 5 am -8 am but not for the heat- it's to extend the daylight for my layers.

Some thoughts on winter
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Thanks everyone for the advice and the really informative threads. I feel better about their comfort this winter.

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