
11 Years
Oct 25, 2008
San Diego
I'm so upset. I lost my first hen today AND she was my favorite girl. I can't believe I was so foolish!! There was an old dog in front of my house who had clearly gotten away from its owner. It was well cared for, just old and had some obvious hip problems. We're in the city so dogs do not roam here. I was afraid she was going to get hit by a car so I brought her into the yard by her collar. She saw the chickens and had no reaction what so ever. No interest, nothing. I ran into the house for a SECOND to grab a leash located just inside the door. I was going to tie her up out front so her owners could find her. She killed my baby girl in a SECOND. I can't even imagine how she caught her so fast. It seemed like she could hardly walk. I'm still stunned.

Please don't be mean to me. I already know this was all my fault. It was a horrible mistake. I just can't believe how fast it all happened. My poor girl. She even slept with me in my bedroom last night. I had JUST let her back out with the flock. I'm sick about this. I don't know what I was thinking?!! I'm so sad and angry with myself.

And you know, the owners didn't even say thank you when they picked up the dog. My good intentions got my baby girl killed for nothing! I'm really sad, guys... Where is the undo button???!!!
sorry to hear about your day. trying to help the dog and the payback you get.
Aw I feel bad you were trying to do right by the dog.... it happens. I don't think anybody will be mean we've all made mistakes.
ooh. that is so sad. i hate that feeling when you make a mistake and it hurts so bad. i am so sorry you have to go through this. i hope you heal from this all.
I'm so sorry for your tragic loss. Please don't beat yourself up; it was awful, but it was just one of those freak things. You were doing something good by trying to protect the dog. It's sad that you lost your baby, but honor her by loving your others and continuing to try to help other animals (yes, like a dog that has gotten loose and may be in danger of getting hit) or whatever else comes across your path in need of your help & care. My condolences for your loss.
I am so sorry.
I know that has to be just heartbreaking. As someone else said, we have all mad mistakes. I can't imagine how or why anyone would be mean to you over this. Just try not to be so mean to yourself.
"Undo" will be a "Redo". Name your next chicken for the one you lost. Seems to help somewhat. Sorry for your loss.

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