How deep should my water be for ducks


In the Brooder
Jul 4, 2016
So i want to get ducks but i dont know how deep it should be. Can i get by with a foot or does it need to be deeper?
I would make sure at least a foot deep.
They need to be able to float and to stick their head down under water while they are swimming/ bathing.
5-6 inches isnt enough for that.
Ours love the sprinkler too, which is great as well . Some hatcheries only provide sprinklers
They just need enough water to regularly clean their whole body and feathers. Sprinklers ate great if you dont have a deep pool because the top of them gets wet as well.
Without sufficent water for bathing they can develop feather problems. So its very important.
They do need buckets for water deep enough to dunk their whole head for cleaning their eyes and nose out . This is a daily requirement.
But swimming is not a daily requirement. More like a few times a week
Our ducks have two pools (9 gallon pond liners) in their pen and a couple weeks ago we added a small kiddie pool in the garden:



Up until the weather got cold and we had to start hauling their water instead of just using a hose, they also had a tote. (Now that we are using a hose again, I suppose they are going to start demanding to have the tote back, along with having TWO pools in their pen. Sigh. Very spoiled ducks!) This video was taken when they were two months old:


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