How did you break the night bottle habit with your child?

Hi everyone. Read through this thread and it sounds like a food allergy to me. When the GI track is irritated eating solids becomes an unpleasant experience. He should be eating a lot by now and the fact that he is so fussy points to this, plus wanting to eat at night says I'm not getting enough calories... Wheat and dairy are big culprits these days, soy can be a problem too. If you can I would get an allergy test and start reading every label. Keep a journal too and log what he loves and refuses. Watch for signs of fussiness or colic behaviour about 30 mins after eating. The big problem is when they are that little it's hard to track down.... Sheesh I'm over 40 and didn't find out all my gut aches and no appetite was because I'm gluten intolerant till 2 years ago! Good luck!

PS my first son had to have all his front teeth taken out at the age of three because of the night bottle! That was a learning experience!
He is starting to drink 3oz of cow's milk mixed if it is room temperature. His poop turned back to normal.

I looked in his mouth since he started drooling a bunch and is refusing almost all solids. It looks like he has possibly 4 teeth or more coming in all at once. I can see the shapes of them under his gums. That could explain why he has been cutting back so much on his foods. He got offered a Peep yesterday to eat and he only ate two pieces. When it comes to sweets he can't get enough. Usually if he has one tooth coming in he will cut back some before you can even see the shape under the gum and once it comes through he eats again.

I'm still going to keep an eye on him. My husband bought some of those squeezeable purees and he will suck those right down. I may get him some more till these teeth break through so he will get more nutrients. Since he is cruising around he is starting to slim up so hopefully it isn't from cutting back on solids.
Looks like you got a lot of answers, but I just wanted to mention that we used the toddler formula for a year and our son did well on it. He has a milk and egg allergy and was switched to goat's milk for a while because of sinus and ear infections. He has tubes now and his adenoids removed, but he still has constant mucus production. The goat's milk helped with the congestion, but he still got an ear infection on it. He is a picky eater too, so feel your pain there!

At a year old, he could still be getting hungry at night. Our pediatrician suggested that we feed our son when he is hungry, even if it is in the middle of the night. They are growing and they need the nutrients. It sucks having to wake up, but he may just be going through a growth spurt right now. It should stop. I love those little fruit/veggie puree mixes. Preferably just veggies though since there is so much sugar in the fruit ones. If you are worried about teeth, I would stay away from fruit purees. We fed our son at night and his teeth are perfect. Think about all the crap we do to our teeth as adults and they don't fall out (usually). This small period of night feeding really doesn't make a difference in the long run.

Our son is 2 now and he still wakes up. Not to eat, but I think he has bad dreams at night. I guess it is pretty normal for the little ones to have them and wake up in the middle of the night. Usually just falling back to sleep right after. If you don't like your pediatrician, get a new one! There is nothing worse than having a doctor that you don't like or trust!
Looks like you got a lot of answers, but I just wanted to mention that we used the toddler formula for a year and our son did well on it. He has a milk and egg allergy and was switched to goat's milk for a while because of sinus and ear infections. He has tubes now and his adenoids removed, but he still has constant mucus production. The goat's milk helped with the congestion, but he still got an ear infection on it. He is a picky eater too, so feel your pain there!

At a year old, he could still be getting hungry at night. Our pediatrician suggested that we feed our son when he is hungry, even if it is in the middle of the night. They are growing and they need the nutrients. It sucks having to wake up, but he may just be going through a growth spurt right now. It should stop. I love those little fruit/veggie puree mixes. Preferably just veggies though since there is so much sugar in the fruit ones. If you are worried about teeth, I would stay away from fruit purees. We fed our son at night and his teeth are perfect. Think about all the crap we do to our teeth as adults and they don't fall out (usually). This small period of night feeding really doesn't make a difference in the long run.

Our son is 2 now and he still wakes up. Not to eat, but I think he has bad dreams at night. I guess it is pretty normal for the little ones to have them and wake up in the middle of the night. Usually just falling back to sleep right after. If you don't like your pediatrician, get a new one! There is nothing worse than having a doctor that you don't like or trust!
Thanks for the info. Did you use the baby toothpaste when brushing your son's teeth? I've only been using just the brush. I just got him a newer one cause the one you put on your finger he kept biting me and giggling.

I'm going to get him some more of the purees but the veggies. He likes fruit so much that he will eat it cubed.

He is still doing good on the cow's milk. He must of just needed time to adjust. I might increase it another ounce tomorrow. It just needs to be more room temperature. If it is to cold he doesn't like it and he doesn't like it to warm. How do you travel with milk? I have a huge freezer thing I got from the doctor to keep breast milk cold. I think it is a bit to big to carry around in my diaper bag. We live out in a village and it is a 20-40 minute drive to get to any place around so I need something to keep it from spoiling for long periods. I'd like to bring milk with me if I do get him switched off of formula. I may switch to the toddler formula for the night bottles once he is on full milk during the day.
Thanks for the info. Did you use the baby toothpaste when brushing your son's teeth? I've only been using just the brush. I just got him a newer one cause the one you put on your finger he kept biting me and giggling.

I'm going to get him some more of the purees but the veggies. He likes fruit so much that he will eat it cubed.

He is still doing good on the cow's milk. He must of just needed time to adjust. I might increase it another ounce tomorrow. It just needs to be more room temperature. If it is to cold he doesn't like it and he doesn't like it to warm. How do you travel with milk? I have a huge freezer thing I got from the doctor to keep breast milk cold. I think it is a bit to big to carry around in my diaper bag. We live out in a village and it is a 20-40 minute drive to get to any place around so I need something to keep it from spoiling for long periods. I'd like to bring milk with me if I do get him switched off of formula. I may switch to the toddler formula for the night bottles once he is on full milk during the day.
Oh yeah, we use the fluoride free stuff for now because he has a bad habit of sucking on the brush just to get the toothpaste. I use a fluoride version like once a week right now and he is just learning how to rinse and spit. We bought these light up brushes called firefly that help. There is also an app for the ipad that has this little echoing kitty but has a brushing timer. The kitty brushes its teeth and it counts down from the time you set on it. So sometimes if he is being crazy, I ask him if he wants to brush his teeth with the kitty and tell him he has to brush as long as the kitty does. That really helps!

Haha, he sounds like a picky little guy. We don't normally have to bring milk but when we did, we just used an insulated lunch pail and some ice packs. Definitely good for a few hours so should keep it good for your drive time. Or for those days that you are driving in to town, just bring some water and a little ziploc of formula with you. It will be a treat for him and will keep you from having to haul around anything and worry about it going bad. Powdered milk is also an option if he doesn't mind the taste of it.

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