How did you come up with your screen name?

I'm a high school art teacher and one of my students came in one day and called me "Home-chick". I looked at him like he was crazy when I realized he was talking to me and he doesn't really say that anymore. Ha. But when I was trying to think of a name, it just came to me. Kind of young (I'm 23) and chicken related. Plus I'm a homebody.

Love reading these!
Well I live on the bayou & live in the bayou state

The chica is how I call my chickens, "chic-chic-chicas."

I love this thread too!!!

Well, my wife and I used to love watching Monarch of the Glen on PBS. The head of the family, or clan, was known as the laird, a Scottish form of Lord. We call our little 7 acre slice of heaven Thistle Dew, partly because of the Scottish part of my heritage, and because it's a neat play on words (This'll Do). Since I'm the head man, I'm the Laird, and my lovely wife is the Lady, though she doesn't use that title much.
I go by equine chick because i've always loved horses and i've always wanted chickens.My husband has always called me chickee even when we were dating, way before my chicken obsession.
edited for my horrible spelling.
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This is really my lastname (Lovelady), with a name like that you do not have to make up anything, everyone else will do it for you.

The P is for Patti.

What a great thread!
I'm an artist and potter full time and my studio name is "The Mud Peddler", so when I was looking for a name, mudhen just made sense!
Hi Laird, Just wanted to say that my husband and I also got addicted to Monarch of the Glen! Haven't seen any new ones in a while and we're really missing it.

Mudhen, I've been wondering for a while about your name. I didn't occur to me that you were a potter though, ha ha ha. Pottery is something I'd love to take up when I've got more time (retirement probably).

Fun tread.....Jen
This was a great idea. Luna is the name of my little grey kitty. She is the sweetest. And chick, well I'm a chick and, of course, chickens! Ginny is my real name.
thechickenfarmer, I don't know if Monarch of the Glen is still on. I missed some of the later episodes

Lunachick, My wife's name is Ginny, also. Just Ginny, not Virginia, or Ginger, though we sometimes call her that.

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