How Did You Discover BYC?

My journey to "Chickenism"..
I started out being a vegetarian off and on for probably 3 stints over 5 years total of my 21 years of life. After finishing up this last "stint" rencently I decided that if I was going to eat animal products I was going to be a responsible consumer. I want to know where my food came from and how the animal who created it was treated by his "owners" So I bought a rainbow pack of 25 chicks and here I am! I was looking for chicken coop plans when I found this sight and I have absolutely fell in love with the easy layout and as said before the generousity of the members. Thanks everyone for making this such a fun site to use and being such kind folks!
Let's see, chicken fever hit me in January...I got to thinking that somebody out there has info on pet chickens, so I googled "chicken" and "backyard" and tada! Backyardchickens! I got my birds yesterday. Everytime I look out my back door I see them, they are such a joy, seeing them happy and everything, now I'm happy too!
Hi Everyone,
I live in S.E. Idaho and though I have raised chickens for quite some time I have never hatched any so am trying this year. So far, I have 5 little Black Australorp chicks. My original flock was nearly destroyed by a dog who got into my shop and broke down the door to the coop. I still have one lovely Black Australorp hen though from the original flock.

Back when I got started I got 25 Australorps and 25 Silver Laced Wyandottes from Murray McMurray. That was 3 years ago. Since then I have been given a few odd chickens I am not sure of. Some are Aracaunas and lay the greenish blue eggs.

Back to the question at hand. I heard of this forum from one of the Poultry groups I belong to. I am not sure which one right now but I am happy to be here and I am hoping to learn alot from all you "experts"

Diane from Idaho
Well about 4.5 yrs ago we got our first chicks and a rooster...I need information and googled chickens, came up with BYC ...this site has been so very helpful in our times of sorrow and joy!! I just love it, and check in every day to make sure I'm not missing anything!
My Daughter Hannah (9) wanted some chickens about 12 weeks ago, so I put it off until 8 weeks ago and bought her first chickens. As a boy I raised on a farm and we had chickens, ducks, pigs and rabbits. So I knew they were work and enjoyable. This is something that she and I do together. She has not missed taking care of them. They are in their coop now. I found BYC through a google search trying to find help with the chickens and glad I did it's been fun and a great help. Ya'll are great!
i wanted to find info about chickens since we are getting some soon. i searched chicken care and google came up with this site:D
I have been selling eggs on Ebay and one of your members bought some of my black white top Polish eggs. I sent her 10 eggs and all 10 of them hatched. She posted it on your web sight and Emailed me a link. I had been poping in ever since but last month decided to become a member.

Keep up the great work
After trying everything under the sun to exterminate bugs, I ran across information about chickens doing a good job. I learned what my City allows and spent the next 12 months planning a coop with a run, and finding out just what kinds of chicken would suit my needs. During my self-education, I discovered this site via Google and incorporated a lot of information I found here into my plans for a life with poultry.

My grown kids were dead set against this whole idea until they saw that I wasn't listening to them and went forward with my plans. Now my kids and grandkids enjoy sitting wherever the chickens are and give them treats or enjoy watching their silly antics. In fact, I bought all of us "chicken shoes" to wear when we're out with the chickens so it doesn't matter if we step in "stuff". Mom and dad are cool with it now and are actually looking forward to eggs one day.

My ladies are three months old now and I can't figure out why I didn't do this when I was a lot younger!!
I have wanted chickens for years and when we got some chicks we went on Craig's list to look for a coop. We found one 2 blocks from our house for free! While we were online I Googled "urban chicken" found a few sights, loved the dynamic of this one!

Now I am addicted, its my early morning stop, usually before I even log on to check my email!


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