How did you find your way in the chicken world?

When I was growing up, my grandparents and parents had chickens. I didnt start to get into my own chickens until this past summer when I bought an incubator and eggs. Its been a wonderful hobby and stress reliever for me.
We decided that we wanted chickens for eggs because we eat a lot of them every week. So off we go to a feed store. "Do you have any hens", we asked. "No" came the reply "But we have a bunch for sale at our house. Would you like directions?" Of course we got directions and headed off. Never having chickens or knowing anyone that had chickens, we thought we would go there and point to the birds we wanted and go home. NO WAY! It was a free range farm, and we had to catch the chickens we wanted.

So there is my fiance and I with a dog carrier, rake and hands out running around this farm trying our darnedest to catch chickens. everytime one of would get one it was like Superbowl touchdowns! YEAH I GOT ONE. We got 6 hens and 1 roo (who knew!) Came home and put them in their coop we built the weekend before.

6 days later we were at the feed store again buying 6 chicks because chickens are the best thing EVER.
My grandfather had a farm. He had pigs and chickens. His tool shed used to be the hen house. He had a rooster named homer (dedicated that name to my dumb beagle) and 3 years ago we decided to get some hens in memory of grandpa. Since then we added more to the flock and never looked back
. I know he would be proud of me

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