how do ducks show they love you?

Twowoombapekins... my ducks absolutely LOVE fresh straw. They have a special happy honking noise they make when they see it. Mine are very social with us too.
We are in the process of building a pond and ducky haven lodgings.

It's a huge mess at the moment, dirt etc everywhere!

I take Wayan and Ketut down to the site, with a big tub of water. I dig through the dirt and they follow me intently as I help them find some worms.

I have to carry them down a steep set of stairs, and they seem to understand I'm doing it for them.

Before we get to the stairs it's a little walk through more leaves and dirt ( we are doing major reno's) they seem to trust where I lead them, if I stop so do they, and I have to coax them into keep going!

They have a ball digging through the mud finding all sorts if goodies, then we finish up with a swim in clean fresh water (a blow up kiddie pool) to wash off all the muck.

Afterwards I give them a big cuddle and help dry them off.

The only downside to our little dirt adventure is their poo! My goodness it's black, runny and massive and boy does it stink!!
Sounds so
we used to handle our two pekins up to 2-3 weeks old, but once they were shifted out to the backyard and we had to go back to work (less attention), they really objected to being handled. Even when we picked them up just to stick them in the pool you'd swear we were trying to kill them! They went through a stage where they even seemed frightened of us when we first approached them, they'd eventually come around, but the same routine each day.

But since they have grown a little, I am able to coax them into leaving their coop and encouraged them to climb into the pool themselves. So we tend to avoid handling them and now they seem a lot more friendly toward us and actually get quite vocal now if our visits with them are too short. And if we haven't seen them all day, they usually stand up at the edge of their coop quacking loudly, bills wide open, seem really excited to see us. They now are happy to hang around us when we let them loose in the yard, we even get to pat them at times without any problems. Just can't pick them up.

This afternoon, I let them out the backyard while I cleaned their coop out. They had made their way into the pool and were having a lot of fun splashing around. When I left them for a minute to take a load of old straw to the bin, I heard the frantic flapping of webbed feet from behind me. I looked behind me to find they had both abandoned the pool and had come running after me lol. Very cute :)

Sounds so cute! I hope my babies will let me continue to cuddle and pick them up. They are too irresistible not to cuddle!
Toowoombapekins, I think they find little bugs in the straw. I think they also enjoy that is is dry and snuggly after they leave the other straw all wet and poopy.
My cuddle time with Wayan and Ketut. They were preening my hair and clothes prior to our cuddle up...


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