how do ducks show they love you?

Awe that is so sweet!!!!
Wayan and Ketut cuddle up to me everyday, they gently nibble on me. They nibble on my hair and my clothes as well. I lay on the floor with them and we cuddle up together! They call for me and follow me everywhere.

I also play with them, I've bought a few cat toys that they love playing with. Last night they were chasing and nibbling a ball.

Most of all they love it when I feed them all of their scrumptious treats!

I think I'm in ducky heaven!
Wayan and Ketut cuddle up to me everyday, they gently nibble on me. They nibble on my hair and my clothes as well. I lay on the floor with them and we cuddle up together! They call for me and follow me everywhere.

I also play with them, I've bought a few cat toys that they love playing with. Last night they were chasing and nibbling a ball.

Most of all they love it when I feed them all of their scrumptious treats!

I think I'm in ducky heaven!
Sounds like duck heaven. How about some pics of your 2. and
How sweet! It sounds like you've got a very affectionate duck who loves you very much! Pekins, I've heard, are one of the more sociable duck breeds. I've got a call duck, and I know she is attached to me, but I have to pretty much force her to cuddle. She submits and relaxes after a minute or two because she trusts me, but I know she's not really a big fan of it. In other words, what I'm saying is that your duck sounds like he's exceptionally social and loving! Please post photos, when you can!
When I had runners, Khakis and Pekin, the Khakis & Runners were more skittish. I also had taken them in when they were a few weeks old. Because they were more high strung & didn't imprint on me, they weren't too cuddly. I raised most of the Pekin as day old ducks. I did take in 4 more adult Pekin ducks. I had twelve Pekin at one point. Two got eaten by critters. I have 10. Even though I handled them a lot as babies, they were standoffish around 3 months old. Over time, 5 of my 6 remaining original ones let me pet them at bedtime. Four like to be pet the most.Two are especially snuggly & another one is snuggly and nibbles on me.
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Three of the four I adopted don't want me to pet them. The drake occasionally doesn't run away squaking.
I have so many cuddles with Wayan and Ketut and find it terribly hard to resist kissing them!
They are almost 1 month old, I will be devasted if they stop wanting cuddles when they get older...
we used to handle our two pekins up to 2-3 weeks old, but once they were shifted out to the backyard and we had to go back to work (less attention), they really objected to being handled. Even when we picked them up just to stick them in the pool you'd swear we were trying to kill them! They went through a stage where they even seemed frightened of us when we first approached them, they'd eventually come around, but the same routine each day.

But since they have grown a little, I am able to coax them into leaving their coop and encouraged them to climb into the pool themselves. So we tend to avoid handling them and now they seem a lot more friendly toward us and actually get quite vocal now if our visits with them are too short. And if we haven't seen them all day, they usually stand up at the edge of their coop quacking loudly, bills wide open, seem really excited to see us. They now are happy to hang around us when we let them loose in the yard, we even get to pat them at times without any problems. Just can't pick them up.

This afternoon, I let them out the backyard while I cleaned their coop out. They had made their way into the pool and were having a lot of fun splashing around. When I left them for a minute to take a load of old straw to the bin, I heard the frantic flapping of webbed feet from behind me. I looked behind me to find they had both abandoned the pool and had come running after me lol. Very cute :)

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