How do i change that thing under my name?

You don't. It is connected to the number of posts you make.

Or if a moderated thinks you deserve a funny title.

We do not take requests.
Well, i guess that clears that up.

Coincidentally, Envirogirl11 helped us ealier today by posting this:

Morph from 'New Egg' to 'Just Hatched': 25
from 'Just Hatched' to 'Out of The Brooder: 50
from 'Out of The Brooder' to 'Chillin' with my Peeps': 150
from 'Chillin' with my Peeps' to 'Overrun with Chickens': 500
from 'Overrun with Chickens' to 'Chicken Obsessed': 1000
from 'Chicken Obsessed' to 'True BYC Addict': 2460-2593
from 'True BYC Addict' to 'Flock Master': 4491-5395

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