How Do I Excite Even the Most Indifferent of Chickens For Their Birthday!?

My chickens are almost exactly one year old! August 10th is their collective birthday, the day before I got them at the hatchery as day old chicks. I'm thinking about finally naming them, among other activities. I've waited this long to name them since I knew some would die, and of course, two of them did (out of nine from birth). I'm praying that It'll never happen again. But today I'd like to celebrate my chicken's lives, especially those who have made it this far!

I'd like to know some gift and treat Ideas. They already have a few toys, a swing, a xylophone, and some mirrors. all of which they have little interest in.... But I'd like to get something more exciting for them, or something improve their lives in some way. To be honest, my chickens seem very uninterested in things. I've given them cabbages, pumpkins, meal worms and other things. But other than the meal worms they didn't really care. I want to give them a real happy birthday, but what can I do to please them?

I'm also interested in giving them some sort of lightweight ankle collar, the type they give wild birds to track them. I was thinking of giving them several different colors to use as name tags, so I can tell them a part (of course the rooster doesn't need that). Any Idea on how I how/where I can make or buy them?

One last thing, I'd like some suggestions for things I can buy at a farm store, such as Orschelns or Tractor Supply. Anything I buy online won't be here by their birthday of course so I'd like to give them something the day of.

Happy birthday to your sweet chickens! I say try bug balls, they sometimes carry them at certain animal stores. Also solider fly larvae! Maybe layer those with some tasty oats.
i recently started taking a very small amount of scratch and wrapping it in a little news paper. I make one for each of them and throw them in the run. I love watching them rip open the paper like a little gift. They love this game and patiently watch me wrap everyones gift.

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