How do I get Martha Stewart to stop talking! The ads driving me crazy help!

And once you buy it, you can go back to your order history to see when it will expire.
HA! I learn something every day!! Thanks, WV! Of course, I'm going to win the 1 year GFM at the end of the Edible Easter contest, so maybe I won't even need to worry about it!
Thanks @1cock2hens !

Ok, we're looking into this, but we work with Google and a lot of other ad networks and need help trying to track down the source.

If you see this ad again, here is what we need:

  1. A screenshot of the ad on the site (how to do a screenshot)
  2. The time & day(s) you saw the ad
  3. The "click URL" of the ad. One way to get this is to hover-over the ad and right-click and copy the link URL.
  4. PM to a Staff member or email to Support

(Note: for the ads that are inappropriate that slip through our filters, you probably won't want to click the ad. Hopefully you can still grab some info about the ad to make tracking it down easier)

If you're feeling especially helpful:

You can use the "Google Publisher Console" to pull all the info we need to get the ad removed!

The goal is to get as much info about the ad as possible including screenshots, the links, etc.

For the links and more ad details of the "bad ad", please follow the steps below (obviously you have to have bad ad showing on the screen for this to work)

1. Go to the page with the bad ad.
2. In the URL append (add to the end of the URL) ?google_force_console or ?googfc to your page's URL.
3. Look for the bad ad in the console.
4. Right-click on Delivery Diagnostics link of the bad ad an copy the link address.
5. Send me the link address, screenshot of the ad, and if possible, the "click url" of the ad.

Here's an example URL with the code appended (again, ads need to be showing for this to work):

To remove the publisher console, just click the x:

Here's a screenshot of the publisher console running with red highlights showing the ad locations, the publisher console (bottom of screen) with the "Delivery Diagnostics" link and the close-console x to the bottom right:


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