how do I get my hens to lay eggs in the nesting boxes

I never had a problem with my hens sleeping in nest boxes. They prefer to sleep up on the roost. I've had the nest boxes in the coop from the first day they were put in at 10 weeks and they rarely even pooped in one, prior to laying. They may have instinctively known to use the nest box for laying, but I also put wooden eggs in there before they were at point of lay.
when they all started fighting over one nest box, I replaced the wooden eggs in the unused boxes and they soon bagan to spread out a bit.
It's really all just common sense. Most of the time, hens will do the "right thing", and if they don't, there's usually an easy fix to get them on track.
I got mine at michaels. I have only one chicken laying, and she won't use the boxes. I have 4 boxes, and one I loaded down with wooden eggs (4) since thanksgiving. Our hen won't lay in there, she uses the roof of the coop, and if I move her to the boxes, she goes back up to the roof! If I keep he in the coop, she lays under the roost. I want to get this figured out soon, when the other five start to lay I don't want to be finding them on the roof too! I have pine shavings in the nesting boxes, so I am going to try some straw.. :rolleyes:
This was helpful for me to read. We have been feeding a stray chicken for months. She comes to the porch every morning and runs towards me when she hears my voice. A few weeks ago I made a nesting box out of a bin and hay. I put it on the porch and it sat unused for weeks. Then one day she was in it with an egg! I was thrilled. Then everyday after that she went in it to lay her daily egg. About a week ago she stopped laying in her box. I was heartbroken. I continued to check it daily, thought it was because it was too cold outside.
Then today, my neighbors found 7 eggs on the side of their house. She made a new nest. I am thinking it was on the day I had workers in and out and maybe one of them scared her.
I am hoping and praying she goes back to our porch nesting box. Checking it daily was the highlight of my day (sad I know). I am not sure if I should move it... or what.
I don't know why I am taking it so personal!!
this might be a old post .. I had to reply about how my hens fight over one nest... our 3 older hens have to lay eggs on the same nest at the same time ... i will look in and see them sitting on top of eachother .. its soo funny ... we have 4 hens that are just starting to lay .. crossing my fingers that they lay in the nests with the other ....
This has been my first week that i have received eggs from my birds. I have six, 3 buff orps and 3 EE's. Only two of the BO are laying but thats fine I know its still early. On monday i found two eggs in the back off the coop, so in a panic i decided to make the nesting boxes. I guess i didnt realize how quick 18 weeks can go by! So no sooner did i get them done and a girl let me know she had one ready so i put her right in one. Five min later she had an egg laid. But now i cant get her lay one in a box for anything. I took her egg as soon as she had it, do you think i should have left it in her nest for a while? She wasnt very happy with me that i took it, could that have messed with her about layin in a nest? I have gone into the coop at night just to see what birds are where and she loves to sleep in that same box. oh do chickens prefer layin durring the day or at night? I am really new to raising chickens but reading through these post have answered a good amount of my concerns.
This is adorable!

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