how do I humanely kill a fox?

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No, that's not how foxes work. They have a natural instinct to kill. Shooting it is the best option.

What are you talking about, a "natural instinct to kill?" Yes, if you leave a chicken outside and any hungry wild carnivore comes by it will kill it. The "instinct" is to live. Humans have that same "instinct". Foxes are not monsters who sit around and plot out how to ruin your day by decimating your flock. They eat to live. Just don't make it easy for them.
Ok, Thank you for responding so quickly.
We use this stuff called Fly Bait. It stinks like all get up but works. We have had a lot of problems with mink here . I put some in a bowl out side of the chicken coup after having 6 beheaded hens . The next morning I had 3 dead mink instead! We got it from the Mennonite farm down the road. I'm pretty sure they get it at the farm store. Another time it saved our ducks from a fox just be careful that your other farm animals can't come into contact with it.
No, that's not how foxes work. They have a natural instinct to kill. Shooting it is the best option.

What are you talking about, a "natural instinct to kill?" Yes, if you leave a chicken outside and any hungry wild carnivore comes by it will kill it. The "instinct" is to live. Humans have that same "instinct". Foxes are not monsters who sit around and plot out how to ruin your day by decimating your flock. They eat to live. Just don't make it easy for them.

I agree with FeralPoodle, all the fox is trying to do is survive. Putting up fences and keeping your flock secured are the best ways to keep foxes at bay. Also, I have foxes in my area, adults and kits, and not one of my chickens who free range around the yard have been taken by one due to my yard being secure... And also due to the fact my 'guard cat' who patrols the yard and keeps other cats away from her turf probably wouldn't hesitate to chase off a curious fox if given a chance. She is pretty much a dog in a cat's body.

Just don't make your flock easy prey, build fences, secure your coop, maybe even get a good farmdog if possible, and the foxes will lose interest and look for easier prey that doesn't require as much effort and energy, as any predator prefers to spend as little energy as possible when hunting to get a better return in said energy from the prey eaten.
What are you talking about, a "natural instinct to kill?" Yes, if you leave a chicken outside and any hungry wild carnivore comes by it will kill it. The "instinct" is to live. Humans have that same "instinct". Foxes are not monsters who sit around and plot out how to ruin your day by decimating your flock. They eat to live. Just don't make it easy for them.

They kinda are monsters though:).There is a lot of stories online of foxes killing tons of chickens just for fun.
They kinda are monsters though:).There is a lot of stories online of foxes killing tons of chickens just for fun.
Surplus killing is another survival method unfortunately, makes it so the fox has easy food access whenever it needs it. It may look like it is killing for fun, but it is just ensuring it's own survival.

It is no different to how people fill their freezers with their meat birds, making it so they can grab one when they want it instead of having to go through the killing and processing again.
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