How do I integrate 2 new chicks intoTHE HENHOUSE?


9 Years
May 18, 2010
Sonoma County
I've got 5 one year old girls that are very strong and have worked out thier order. Just bought a 3 day old Sussex and a 3 week old roo and I have them in our living room tonite. I have a whole section of the chicken yard deer netted off for the roo and will get him out there in a couple of nites for good. The baby will stay indoors for 3 weeks or so.

Now the question is, how long will it take for the girls to accept these two into the henhouse? I'll let them free range with the girls a bit during the day, and they are in close proximation through the deer netting, but how long before they will let this roo into thier house at nite? Think I'll let the baby sleep with the roo in his dog kennel as soon as she is big enough. What do you think?
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Hiya! If you go to my page of hints in my signature, there are a couple of articles just dedicated to integrating chicks and teens into older birds. Good luck!
Just reread-- you'll want to find a pal fo the 3 day old chick or it will be emotionally traumatized by the time you can integrate it. The 3 week old needs to be integrated quickly or get a pal, pronto, too. They hate being alone and shouldn't be alone as babies. They may be okay together, btw- I've put those two ages together.

Good luck!

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