How do I introduce the new baby ducks to my adult ducks?


Apr 1, 2015
My friend recently gave me a baby duck which I assume it's about 1 weeks old. I already have 2 ducks about 11 weeks old. I thought they would recognize they are the same species but when I brought the baby to the adult they bit it. Is there a proper way to do it? Also if the baby is male and my ducks are female can we eat the fertilized eggs like normal eggs.


"Ducky " my welsh harlequin


"Precious " my sisters golden 300 hybrid


"Afro-Ducky" white crested?
could be a white crested, definitely looks that way right now. you may want to search for threads on here about crested duck I have been hearing a lot about how it is a deformity and can have some problems, but he is adorable! my ducks were not so far in age when they met it was a 3 week difference but my pekin was older and definitely a lot bigger I supervised all play time but made sure they played at least 15 min a day. even if the time was spent with me holding my little.indian runner on my shoulder and pekin in my lap I had their brooders (a playpin and a portable dog house with a mesh zip up door) right next to another so they always seen each other that is important for them to see each other so if your ducks are outdoors maybe during at least the days (weather permitting) have the duckling in a enclosure (preferably something movable like a puppy play pin or something made with mesh netting and pvc pipes) that way they can get use to each other while duckie grows and when he's about their size they will be fine. my pekin tried pecking very hard at the baby for about a week slowly she stopped and the duckling just loved her so.much and now they are really inseparable literally I can't separate them or they will cry. hope all.goes well :)

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