How do I keep my coop run dry?

Consider a nipple watering system. The waterer hangs and it doesn't matter about the leveling. I use vertical nipples but they also come in horizontal. Research them. You might find that one of them solves your problem of water spills. Nipples may leak a tiny bit but not like spills you're experiencing.

How difficult is it to "train" the chickens to use a drip watering system? My chickens are so sweet, but no very smart..:hmm
How difficult is it to "train" the chickens to use a drip watering system? My chickens are so sweet, but no very smart..:hmm
Some are kinda 'stupid'... I've had some catch on in 2 minutes.....
....and others take 2 weeks.
Best to switch from open water to nipples during mild weather,
when the risks of dehydration are lower.
I prefer the Horizontal Nipples, especially if you'll need to heat for winter.
Look into the Horizontal Water Nipples, they Verticles are known to leak, Amazon got a good price on them. There's info on here/BYC, not sure how many birds you got. Don't know how much "rain" you're talking about (location) but rain is my problem here (HI) as well as the HEAT/humidity.

So Hubby came up with this open enclosure, he calls the Chicken House. We don't have the predator problems like you all do in the Upper 49 so chicken wire is all we used. Curtain rods made out of EMT with over lapping shower curtains that I can slide/tie back. Huge plastic dog house for a nest box, I'm limited to 6 but keep 4, the enclosure is 8x12x7 and we put a roof on it.

HWN = I use a large plastic container with a lid cause they love to just on top. Followed the directions, Hubby installed. It didn't work I then figured it out, at the top rim of the container, drilled a hole put the lid back on & it worked. Vacuum was the issue.

DLM = Pine shavings & grass clippings are what I use. I live in a residential area, only in the Fall when the neighbor's tree looses it's leaves in my yard, do I rake some up for the enclosure. Being that the Chicken House has a roof & I can close it up when it storms, it basically stays dry but when the wind blows or does get wet around the perimeter, I just rake it & mix it up with the dry stuff, dries up & the hens like messing in it. I just rake about once in awhile, just to look for rocks they dig up. Add more shavings as needed.

I have a poop board (BYC) under the roost with PDZ in it above the dog house/nest box, works great. Very easy cleaning, cat litter scoop & done. I do FF (BYC) which is a blessing; end of feed waste, nutritionally beneficial, firmer poop that's not stinky (except the cecal) & they poop way less. I had another nest under the dog house but they all preferred to lay together

Sorry for the ignorance, what to the abbreviations mean? BYC, FF, etc.
Look into the Horizontal Water Nipples, they Verticles are known to leak, Amazon got a good price on them. There's info on here/BYC, not sure how many birds you got. Don't know how much "rain" you're talking about (location) but rain is my problem here (HI) as well as the HEAT/humidity.

So Hubby came up with this open enclosure, he calls the Chicken House. We don't have the predator problems like you all do in the Upper 49 so chicken wire is all we used. Curtain rods made out of EMT with over lapping shower curtains that I can slide/tie back. Huge plastic dog house for a nest box, I'm limited to 6 but keep 4, the enclosure is 8x12x7 and we put a roof on it.

HWN = I use a large plastic container with a lid cause they love to just on top. Followed the directions, Hubby installed. It didn't work I then figured it out, at the top rim of the container, drilled a hole put the lid back on & it worked. Vacuum was the issue.

DLM = Pine shavings & grass clippings are what I use. I live in a residential area, only in the Fall when the neighbor's tree looses it's leaves in my yard, do I rake some up for the enclosure. Being that the Chicken House has a roof & I can close it up when it storms, it basically stays dry but when the wind blows or does get wet around the perimeter, I just rake it & mix it up with the dry stuff, dries up & the hens like messing in it. I just rake about once in awhile, just to look for rocks they dig up. Add more shavings as needed.

I have a poop board (BYC) under the roost with PDZ in it above the dog house/nest box, works great. Very easy cleaning, cat litter scoop & done. I do FF (BYC) which is a blessing; end of feed waste, nutritionally beneficial, firmer poop that's not stinky (except the cecal) & they poop way less. I had another nest under the dog house but they all preferred to lay together
What materials did you use to build the coop? looks like metal fence posts?

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