How do I keep the girls cool?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jan 14, 2008
Shingle Springs, CA
It normally gets hot here in the summer, but today it is going to hit 108 degrees. I don't know how to keep the chickens cool, short of bringing them in the house! (Seriously, I'm thinking about it, there are only 6 of them). Right now I'm letting them free range under the bushes, its got to be better than anywhere else.

They are afraid of the mister and I already have a huge chunk of ice in their water bowl. Any other suggestions?

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Fans. I have two on my chickens. One is a stationary box fan, the other oscillates. Also, I freeze jugs of water and lay the jugs in their pen. They dig in the litter around the jugs and lay close to them.
Yes, fans. I have one in the ceiling of the run (it's under an upper level deck) and one on the ground with 3 blocks of ice in front of it. I also have shades and tarps to keep the sun off. Right now they are eating frozen watermelon, cantalopes and cucumbers. I always have some frozen in the freezer. I also fill 3 extra waters with ice and add cold water. Mine have sand in their coops so they love lying in that on hot days. And since mine are in an enclosed run, I spray the dirt with cold water every hour. I was just in there to check on them and it's pretty nice for a 95+ day.
Great advice, I was just wondering this myself.

I've got 1 liter empty Diet Coke bottles, a ton of them, so that will work well.

I'll look into a fan or two as well.
Thanks guys, love those suggestions and I'll get right on it. I'll start by making room in the freezer....

I just have to share this. I had some frozen seaweed from our last trip to the beach and I took it out to the girls yesterday. They came running to meet me, but when that black frozen lump fell on the hay in front of them, they RAN! They refused to come out from behind their coop until after I moved it! So much for that idea to cool them down...
Lol I think I would run too!

Sorry, couldn't help myself
Thanks for all the suggestions, I've got blocks of ice in the run with the girls, and I just got a free fan for them!

Have you every heard of It has groups in most major areas and people offer free stuff they can't use anymore and post wanted ads for things they need. I posted "Wanted: Dirty Old Fan" and explained that it was for my chickens. That was yesterday and today they are in the cool breeze of a dirty old fan that was destined for the dumps this weekend!

Yee-haw - recycling at its best!
Yep, I belong to it in my area and have been able to get rid of a lot of great stuff quickly that other people really need. It's a really awesome thing and I highly recommend it.

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