How do I know if my goat is about to kid?

Wow. They both look great!

It really is hard to say how many weeks left based just on the udder and ligs. You really never know. CC bagged up in March, I have a doe who's due anywhere from June 1st - June 25 (depending on if she took the first breeding or 2nd) and she just started with the teeniest little pouch for an udder (this will be her 6th freshening). Another doe of mine who had her 2nd freshening this year bagged up 2 months prior to kidding.

The blood isn't really common, but it's not something you should worry over unless you notice a stream or drip. Their discharge will get heavier as she gets closer (or maybe it won't!
The doeling has a mucus drip this morning, but they shouldn't kid for another week. And my kid has a seizure this morning PLUS it's supposed to rain all day so I'm really stretched beyond my limits. If they kid today or tomorrow, they'll have to do it without me.
I'll cross my fingers for ya that they wait to kid when it's nice, warm and sunny! Sorry to hear about your kid, though!

As for the doeling's mucus drip - I've seen them have that for over a month and some that kid hours after it. You really just never know.
Please let us know what is going on/any babies yet?
We, the goat owners sort of "live through" from the beginning to the end - together with you.
I very much WISH i could write that we have goat babies but nope. Nada. Zip. These girls are refusing to give birth! At least, that's how I see it.

The doeling's mucus drip and the doe's blood spot are gone. Guess those were false alarms. They both seem ravenous today. Could be because we're having a break in the weather, and can actually see a few rays of sunshine today. Well, this morning. By this afternoon, we're supposed to have more rain, continuing for days and days.

My kid seems ok today. Almost back to being himself ... headache is almost completely gone. Eating and sleeping normally.

I'll post more about the goats when I know more. Thanks.
Nigerians gestation averages 146-152 days, we have never had a doe go over 150 days. She will bag up before she kids, The ligaments in her tail will loosen until her tail falls over and she will not be able to hold it up. Some signs things are close are her losing her plug, which is a white bit that she will pass, about this time she will start making her place (nest we call it) to have the kids, a corner, somewhere draft-free usually.

The DW makes up a bag to take to the barn, old towels, a garbage bag, newspapers.

When the kid(s) come, if your out there, help her clean them off. Offer her some warm molasses water. She WILL drink it, after and in between kids.

After she is done birthing, you will want to try to make sure the kid(s) each get some to drink from the mom. Collostrum is very important for them to get as soon as possible.

clean up what mess you can and toss it in the garbage bag, I know nature makes it so the mom will do this, but, she is a farm animal, not out in the wild.

* - rubber gloves and k-y (lets hope this is never needed) but sometimes it is. at this point you will want to call a vet if you have not already. For if you need to assist (inside) to help the kid get out, she will need antibiotics to keep her from getting an infection.

** Amniotic fluid from goats smells like kitchen sponges you buy in the store when brand new **
The older doe has been heaving and panting for the last 6 hours or so. She's claimed the hay-tub in the 6x10 dog kennel as her own, and has laid in there most of the day. I had to coax her out to get some water. Also gave her (and the doeling) a nice portion of sweet feed, oats and sunflower seeds. Scarfed them down WHILE laying in her little hay tub.

Supposed to rain for the next several days. Wonderful.

Her tail ligaments don't seem much different to me. She's bagged up, and her teats are pointed outwards, pointed to her legs. And like I said, she spent much of this afternoon heaving and panting, even tho it was only in the 70's today. She's very loving (usually she's a meanie) and even let me touch her udder (usually hates that). Is barely able to waddle. We moved the tub with supplies to the area under our deck where we keep the firewood and some hay... it's about 20 feet from the goat pen so it'll be very easy to move into the goat pen as necessary (please don't let it rain then!).

I'll try to take some vid and post it on my blog tomorrow.

She's almost as wide as she is long. What a wonderful little nigerian dwarf goat. She absolutely is carrying more than one ... probably 3 or 4.

Just wish she'd kid already!

Seriously, I think these girls are doing this to taunt me. I bet their whole pregnancies are fake! No difference to today from yesterday, but my kid had an EEG this morning so I haven't spent much time with them. Then, when I went out to check on everyone, found a 2 month old cuckoo maran stuck between her house and the fence so had to rescue her (she's inside now, with bloody feet and a damaged wing, poor thing).

After the latest little rain shower, I'll go back out and check again. I took video and pix this morning but since we were rushing out the door this morning, and only just got back a bit ago, it'll be a bit longer before I get them on my blog.

Thanks for asking.

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