How do I make 2 quail become "friends"?


10 Years
May 28, 2009
North Georgia
About 2 months ago, a friend gave us 3 pairs of quail that he could no longer care for. They each had their own compartment in his "quail motel", and had been together for at least 3 years, maybe much longer.

Not long after that, one of the females died, leaving one lonely male. (We think it might have been the stress from the move.) Then, a few days ago, a male from a different pair died. (We think it may have been from the cold, so we moved them inside). We tried to pair up the remaining male and female, but the male keeps chasing the female, and she won't have any part of it. She keeps flying around and running away. I just took a closer look at her and discovered that what I had thought were gray feathers on her head was actually a huge scab, and she was bleeding around both eyes. I'm so scared that the male has pecked her eyes out!

We separated her from him until she can heal (any advice on how to handle that would also be greatly appreciated!), but I would like to reunite them. How can I do this without this happening again? Is it possible to put the female in with the other pair, so at least her eggs will get fertilized?
Keep the two birds separated by wire for about 3 or 4 weeks. After they have been looking at each other for a long period of time and feel alone themselves, you can mix them back together and they should get along.

Keep an eye on them after mixing for several days, but chances are, they will come together.
Quail can be quite territorial and hurt each other during introductions. This method usually works. Usually. LOL

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