How do I make my chicken like me?

I handle my birds from day 1 to adulthood for as often as I can.
My training method is:

#1. Handle all chicks equally.

#2. Wear Red.

#3. Give Treats

#4. 1 hour, or so of snuggle time.

#5. Talk to them.

Here's a video sample of a couple chicks who know me by recognizing my face, & voice.

I am one with the chickens.
Sounds weird but what kinda pants do you wear!? Do you have dark nail polish or jewerly? I learned from parrots that birds are afraid of some of these things. look through a chkn/birds eye! and yes call to them like a chkn momma! cluck cluck dont chase make them chase YOU!
I sit with mine daily (started off Indian style low with them) , sometimes offering treats, sometimes not, but I speak their names and talk calmly. Sometimes I just hang out not really offering my lap. When I pick them up or hold them, I pet them. The best advice I received was "Be the rooster". Lighty petting all the way down their back. Be patient and your love and confidence will shine through.
We also got ours used to a particular sound - anything you like - chick-chick-chick or like someone said tututututu. In our case, making the sound and just talking to them really helped. We have also noticed they do not like hats, helmets or sunglasses... colorful accessories seem to freak them out a bit (maybe because in nature color is power/poison!?!? who knows!!??) mine love anything that sparkles though! Our chickens are also calmer if we lower ourselves (knee or sit) instead of walking upright.

Just trying to think of random things besides treats... did you try letting their food actually finish so they associate you with refilling it? With our last batch of chicks, that helped me. Initially they were terrified when I went to the cage until I had a very busy week and seemed to constantly have to refill and empty feeder - suddenly they realized they could "call me" for food! Smarties!!

I think it will work out eventually, just give them a little more time! (BTW, do you have a dog or cat who might be scaring them when you approach? I had to lock my dog away when the chicks were in the crate or he would walk over with me and get them all in a panic...)
Me and my children would spend at least an hour a day with our 7 ladies from very early on. We would bring in treats every time. All of my chickens loved shredded cheese. They would go crazy for it. We would also sit on the floor with them the whole time we would be in there with them. They eventually would hop on our laps and lay. Now they are 2 years old and every time we let them out to free range (only when we are outside with them, we have a big fox problem) they follow us all around the yard. They are trained so well that when it is time for them to go back in their run I just clap my hands and say come on ladies and they go right in. Just be patient and spend as much time as possible with them.
I give my chicks yogurt as a treat to get them comfortable with handling. It is, hands down, the favorite food for chickens. Babies will sit in your hands to get off fingers. Eventually they will associate it with your visits and beg to be picked up.
What type of treats should I feed them? I got mealworms, but only 2 of them like the mealworms, sometimes I feed them strawberries and they LOVE them, but what else?
Scratch. Also know as "crack" for chickens. Nibblet corn works as well.
Ours get a "snack"of some kind around the same time, most every day *Almost* all of them love to see me coming at the assigned time. There are a few that run and hide, and most don't like to be held. I think that would take daily handling and we have way too many for that.
I find the sight of the running towards me when I round the corner with their goodies, very funny and quite satisfying.
They are 7 weeks old and ALWAYS run away from me, I tried moving slowly with not as strong movements but it didn't work, I have tried everything but they just dont like me, they are even scard when we walk into the room where they are to hold them, I hold them every single day for 1 hour. They are so scard, what should I do, how do I make them like me and follow me around, I was reading a thread were a chicken followed the owner around, how do I get that kind of trust, they are in a dog pen right now and there are 4 of them.
Sit in the middle of the pen with a handful of treats. Sit perfectly still and let them come to you. When I get some hatched, I try to spend a good bit of time interacting with them. Most of my girls jump up into my lap and follow me around. The trick is to not move suddenly and talk gently to them. My favorite time of the day is interacting with my girls.
They are 7 weeks old and ALWAYS run away from me, I tried moving slowly with not as strong movements but it didn't work, I have tried everything but they just dont like me, they are even scard when we walk into the room where they are to hold them, I hold them every single day for 1 hour. They are so scard, what should I do, how do I make them like me and follow me around, I was reading a thread were a chicken followed the owner around, how do I get that kind of trust, they are in a dog pen right now and there are 4 of them.
What breed? Some are more easily acclimated to human companionship than others. Like, my Icelandics I raised from eggs, but I can't get near them at all, unless they're locked up and then they kick up a raucous and fight me. Conversely, I can walk up to any one of my cochins or my Chantecler roosters and just pick them right up with minimal fussing. Some breeds just can't be tamed, so if friendly is what you're looking for, then you should research a better breed for your needs and desires ;)

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