How do I make my chicken like me?

Prey animals, like chickens, get scared when you approach like a predator. Predators stalk their prey, they stare at them and sneak up quietly. Talk to them as you approach, or sing a song. Don't look at them as you approach, avoid looking into their eyes, especially. Bring treats in a crinkly bag, all animals are fools for crinkly bags. Just put some dandelion greens in the bag, make some noise, talk to them, distribute treats without looking at them, and leave them alone for a while. Try it a couple times a day for a few days and they should learn to associate you and the crinkly bag with treats. No guarantees, but it sounds like they are spooked and need to calm down and not be concerned with you coming and going.
They are 7 weeks old and ALWAYS run away from me, I tried moving slowly with not as strong movements but it didn't work, I have tried everything but they just dont like me, they are even scard when we walk into the room where they are to hold them, I hold them every single day for 1 hour. They are so scard, what should I do, how do I make them like me and follow me around, I was reading a thread were a chicken followed the owner around, how do I get that kind of trust, they are in a dog pen right now and there are 4 of them.
A suggestion...i have some newbies and yes they run from me too.....i have found at night time when they are getting ready for bed is the best time to make contact. I have gotten to all of them .....held them til they settled down...talked to them for a bit...petted them and then put them back to get resettled. I do it every night. They are still a little skittish but ultimately i know if i have to handle them i can.😁
They are 7 weeks old and ALWAYS run away from me, I tried moving slowly with not as strong movements but it didn't work, I have tried everything but they just dont like me, they are even scard when we walk into the room where they are to hold them, I hold them every single day for 1 hour. They are so scard, what should I do, how do I make them like me and follow me around, I was reading a thread were a chicken followed the owner around, how do I get that kind of trust, they are in a dog pen right now and there are 4 of them.
Treats every day like chopped greens, squat down so you aren't towering over them, feed out of your hand, and when you bring the treat make the same noise every time (consistent call). Different birds have different personalities. Some will hop on your lap, some never want to be touched. Simple creatures that don't hate, just have a lot of fear instinct. Everything loves to eat chicken!
I ring an old school bell that I have on the porch and say "Treat Treats" . By the time I reach the driveway they are within sight running towards me.

They will follow me any where I want them to go if there is a grape tomato involved.
Sometimes there is nothing you can do. Some chickens are going to be skittish no matter what. As they mature, the association between you and food will grow stronger and they will come running to you but still may not want you to touch them. While I do enjoy having some in the flock that allow me to pick them up at will, I know that the fraidy cats have a better chance against predators. Being skittish is a more life-sustaining instinct. It's usually my favorite docile sweeties that get picked off first.
Most chicks got really friendly after laying age.I do have a few exceptions,but it's unusual.
Sitting in a chair helps,they come on their own,favorite treat ,frozen corn kernels,cut in half for 7 weeks though.Everybody loves corn.
Talking is important,repeating their names.They learn theirs and the others very fast.
They quickly learn signs of effection ,and get jealous when others are around scratching my feet,nibbling on pants.I have apple baskets next to my chair ,they all want to hop up on.
My birds communicate ,for instance ,one barred rock heard a commotion in yard,she looked at me ,alarmed.She then did the enemy noise.I ran around to the front door,A blue jay was raiding eggs in Cardinal nest.She told me that Cardinal had a problem.I was too late,however.They are very smart,and will tell you things.
Some jump on my lap,and do dust bath,if I have soft sweats on.I also handle them very slowly and put them down very gently.
I have one who at 6 weeks when I got her,wanted to be in my lap.She is still highly friendly and sits next to me anywhere.She never even moves her head if I pet her.Just trust I guess.
They sense ,like other pets,you are protecting and feeding them,they feel loved.
Some natural sciddish instincts are stronger in some,but they all will be grateful in their own little way.Like any relationship,it takes cultivating.
I talk to all mine daily but I only do worms every other day. I take a chair and a towel (to put over my legs cause I have on shorts!!!) and I sit down in each individual pen with mine, some will jump in my lap and others won’t but they all know me and the sound of my voice. Most of the ones that get in my lap will let me pet but them any other time they dont but whether they do or not I don’t force the issue. If I have to pick any of them up, I walk towards them slowly and talking to them and yes I have to follow them all over the pen but I can usually pick them up will little squawking. I have about 60 ranging in ages from 4 days old to 14 weeks old so I don’t need all of them trying to get in my lap, but they all know me and know I won’t hurt them.

I have raised all of mine from babies and when they were in the brooder, I would leave the tv on so they heard voices all day!!! Let’s just say if Joey Tribiania from Friends came over and said “how you doin” all my girls would run straight to him!!!!
We got a badly neglected rescue chicken and it took month to make her NOT run away when I approached. In time she learned that I'm the keeper of the sunflower seeds (all our pheasants and 6 chickens love them) and she came closer and closer to eat finally from my hand. I never tried to reach out and touch her because that would have spooked her. Now she trusts me, comes running to "Mommy" when the others are mean to her and she is my cuddle bug who sits with closed eyes on my lap and wants her head scratched.
I tell you all that to show: let them come to you, don't overwhelm them by catching and holding them. Built trust by respecting their wishes and spoil them with treats (fruits and seeds works wonderful for us. Hold your hand out and let THEM come to you, not the other way around. I know it is hard to wait but it is soooo rewarding when they do it of their own accord. I wish you lots of luck :).

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