How do I Move a Broody Hen w/Eggs?

Same thing over at our coop. We have a BB Game Bantam who went broody. We decided to leave her in her spot of choice which was out of the coop but still in the barn (they love nesting in the horse hay) however we had some baby skunks intrude and eat 3 fully developed eggs. This worried me tremendously, not to mention the guilt of choosing to leave her where she was. So today I made the move. I've moved her to a quiet spot within the coop designated for this purpose. She is not happy about it. However I've closed her in with the eggs in hopes it will avoid her leaving them. This is literally my 2nd month as a chicken mama...they chickens were left on the farm to fend for themselves before we took over....

Any tips now that I've moved during the day.

The mini broader we've put her and her eggs in has a door and hatch. She rarely leaves her eggs unless she hears me throw scratch down. Would it hurt or cause unnessassary stress to close the door for now and at night and leave open during the day?

I was just so worried these little skunks are going to take what's left if I had not intervened.

My first year with a flock and two hens have gone broody, the first one I moved in the day and she left her eggs, I'm going to try this with the second one, though I'll have to move her without the box because she's gone broody under some pipes, Wish Me Luck.

Thanks, BeeKissed
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Hi just a word of caution i recently tried moving my clucky hen after she had been on the nest for 2 weeks as i didn't want her to hatch the chicks in the nesting box, and wanted to keep them away from the other chooks and rooster. We did it at night but she still abandoned them. It was pretty upsetting. I think it's best if you move them earlier in the incubation period, like within the first few days of them sitting, leaving them too long and they may not take again. Well this has been my experience. She was also a first-timer so maybe she just got confused and didn't know what to do. Good luck!
My hen turned broody this spring. She and her fellow cluckers took over the garden closet this winter. Bitter cold and raccoon attacks. She is nested 7'6" in the air with only a long drop to their death for the chicks. She has been sitting for about 2 weeks. Not sure how many she is sitting on. 1 rooster 5 hens.

I really want to move her before the hatch but fear total loss. Any thoughts.
I have 2 hens who went broody. One in our coup that I cover at night so the others leave her alone. The other one is in a wheel barrel. I have a dog kennel id like to move her to .... going to try tomorrow night which is day 2. I tried yesterday in the morning and she didn't take. Just got her back on today to try again.
Chickens pretty much lay all year round, with a slow down and sometimes a cessation, in the winter months, during molt and if they start sitting a clutch of eggs or are raising young chicks.

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