How do I protect my chickens from human predators?

I would use the pepper spray meant to repel Bears. A much larger stream and it shoots farther. It can be found at most sporting goods stores.
Hi Olga,
I'm sorry you have this creep to deal with. I have had my share of bad neighbors to deal with in the thirty years I have live on my place.
There are lots of good suggestions here already one thing I would add is that for my own sanity I try to remember that I have outlasted the worst creeps in my neighborhood and built good alliances with the good people around here over time.
Creeps tend to move on. Maybe not right away but it helps me to remember that when I am forced to deal with them that it is not going to be forever... because at the time it feels like it is going to be forever.

I had some meth addicts who ravaged a neighborhood where I had a piece of property. After buying their hide out they kept returning for months. Less and less but still they would return. Each time they did I made it VERY unpleasant for them. I would question them as to what they were doing and why were they here. What do you want? They do NOT like questions.
I got so mad one time that I was yelling at this guy. I told him if he came back he might end up getting shot. He told me he didn't like getting threatened. I realized that I could get in trouble if I threatened to shoot him. Then I realized how to fix what I said without loosing the impact.
I said (while staring very intense and in a loud and firm voice)
"I'm not threatining to shoot you. I'm warning you about the neighbors. NOT EVERYBODY AROUND HERE IS AS FRIENDLY AS I AM !! "

Man did that feel good. The meth addicts have not returned to that neighborhood for a long time now. Other neighbors also put out the 'unwelcome' mat for them.
Good luck with your problem. Hang in there and remember that it will get better at some time , some how.
i dont go in anyones yard. a few states still let you protect your property with deadly force. i wouldnt shoot someone over a chicken but if your in my yard and not supposed to be there i would feel my family was in harms way and might end up with a wounded and possibly dead person in my yard. and again it wouldnt be because of the chicken. a older man hanging out with kids and commiting crimes with them. that is not a harmless man and could be a threat. id dust him
Make a police report... dont wait you could be giving this
person more time to do what he has on his mind as he already took ur chick next it maybe someones child.
make that call ASAP so it will be on record.
I agree about filing a police report and arming yourself. Sounds like you have got some odd neighbors. Nothing wrong with their kids killing your chicken? WHAT?!?!? And that freaky 20-something year-old hanging out with those little kids? There is something VERY WRONG going on there.
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ETA: Just kidding.
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ya this isnt good i have a sign on my fence that says WARNING and another sign that says certified gun not sure hwo to spell certified dont feel like waliking outside to look either ive got a bug lol
If he cut your lock to get in it is not just trespassing but burglary. File a report, to everybody who will take one. Animal control, SPCA, Police, Child Welfare. The parent who was not concerned that is child was hanging with a man who would beat a chicken with a rock deserves to be reported.

You might want to look at getting a game fowl rooster. With 3 inch spurs and flailing in your face they can get a burglars attention real fast.
I am just on the story and the reactions of readers on the first page. Wow first its your property and on your property. Second its an adult taking this action in the presence of kids. Clearly the young man is not making legal choices or correct choices. Please stay away from the gun that just esculates things. Call the police. I bet this young man has a record already. Identify each kid so the police can go to each house. Torcher weather to a chicken, dog or human is ilegal. I am sorry you have to deal with this. It may get worse before it gets better. Please keep us aprised.

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