How Do I Reset My Chicken's Time Zone?


Bambrook Bantams
6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
Forrest Beach, FNQ, Australia
[I work on an IT Support Helpdesk, so thought I would have some fun with this one]

How do I reset my chicken's time zone?

Date: 7th August 2014
Make: Chicken
Model: Silkie
Serial #: Tina.12102013

I purchased my Chicken 10 months ago, shipped in the box and assembled on site over a period of 3 weeks. I still have the receipt.

The Chicken has functioned normally and as expected up until 2 nights ago when it malfunctioned and laid it's first egg at 7pm. It shut down overnight and restarted the next morning without issue.

Today, however, it switched back to egg-laying mode at 05:30pm and I do believe it is going to again lay it's second egg during the night.

Obviously it is set to the wrong time zone. How do I reset it?

Note: there have been some extensive modifications over the 10 month period, so it will not fit back in the box for warranty repairs/replacement.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards
Last edited:
Many thanks for your prompt response to my query.

However, I do believe that the reference to my being "awake at the wrong time" can be construed as user error.

I have 4 other chickens (different models) that function normally so I do believe it is related to the model not the user!

Kind Regards
Many thanks for your prompt response to my query.

However, I do believe that the reference to my being "awake at the wrong time" can be construed as user error.

I have 4 other chickens (different models) that function normally so I do believe it is related to the model not the user!

Kind Regards
If the horizontal location programming is faulty on your model, is it possible that the latitude readings are off too? How does the chicken orient itself? Does it roost hanging down?
Once again, many thanks for your quick response.

Clearly the Tina.12102013 is dysfunctional as it does not roost but 'resets' in the horizontal position, no hanging of any description.

Are you suggesting that when I shut it down of an evening, I do so in such a manner that it is resting on it's top? Clearly, this is not a satisfactory resolution to this model's intermittent fault.

Kind Regards

I shall now close this ticket as resolved. Should any more problems arise, please hesitate to contact technical support again.

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I see!

So that's it huh? The solution is to turn it upside down!

I can tell you that the next time I purchase a Chicken I am going to make sure that it is not the European model and has a reset button somewhere! Luckily for the Tina.12102013 both myself and the other models have become rather attached to it!

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[ ] Pancakes [ ] Sherbert ... what? no icecream?

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[Thank you vehve, that was fun. No problem if I borrow your service rating? Might use that for work! lol. Just ducking outside down to turn Tina upside down!
I see!

So that's it huh? The solution is to turn it upside down!

I can tell you that the next time I purchase a Chicken I am going to make sure that it is not the European model and has a reset button somewhere! Luckily for the Tina.12102013 both myself and the other models have become rather attached to it!

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[ ] Pancakes [ ] Sherbert ... what? no icecream?

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[Thank you vehve, that was fun. No problem if I borrow your service rating? Might use that for work! lol. Just ducking outside down to turn Tina upside down!
That's the actual feeling I get from tech support interactions sometimes. I did have some slightly complicated problems though. Go ahead and borrow it

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