How do I set a trap for a cat that got away with my chicken

Yeah live trap with dry cat food will work well. That's what I used to get rid of the tom cats around here. So a cat took a full grown chicken away????

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We caught a large cat in our trap a month ago. He was about a 45-50 lb Bobcat. We borrowed a special trap, and it took about 6 weeks but we did get him!

If you check out the trap, on one end is a separate area for a "bait" bird, it is protected for the predators, from all side. The cat will enter the trap once it has checked all sides, and the only way is in to check the last side.
I was finally successful when I covered the trap end where the bird was at. I used a banty rooster, as they make noise, and the small size of the bait bird. He actually caught 4 raccoon and the bob cat. He has now been retired, and renamed from bait to Ruckus!
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Yup, a trap and some bait is a pretty good way to trap a cat...

In all seriousness though, I've had more success with wet canned food, or even dry food. The canned food dries out pretty quickly, so if there isn't interest quickly enough leaving the dry food in there may help.
Are you sure it's a cat? Did you see it take the bird? I've had so many stray cats roam through here and never had one attack a chicken. I've seen them play stalk them, yes, but they seem freaked out when approached by the chickens and give ground to the birds rather than the other way around. It's possible, certainly, that a very hungry stray will take one, especially a chick, but I do think that more stealthy predators get birds and cats are sometimes blamed for it.

The reason I ask is that it may make a difference in how you proceed to capture/ kill the predator.

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