Solved how do I start a new thread on the forum page?

If you can scroll to the top of this page can you see this "Star a new thread" box ~

I am having the same problem encountered by the people on this thread in 2013. I started by sending an email that is almost identical
to the first post here... I read the posts and saw the page views. This thread is the only one that has allowed me to post. The others, that
i've seen, do not have an option to post or "start a new thread". If "we" can figure out how to post here, we'd be able to post on new members,
don't you think?


Hi :welcome

It missed this bit of my previous post, iPad has mind of its own :barnie

Thanks for the reply. I'm guessing there is a period of time before someone can post on "new member"? I think it might be slower than normal due to the holiday? Whatever the case, I bet there are many others who wanted to post but couldn't find out how, and never made it this far?

I'm not criticizing the entire site though. This site has provided me with a lot of great information already!!

This might be a spam prevention control. You wouldn't believe the trouble we have had with spammers.

We are looking into the issue now.
Ok, you should be able to post.

We are not going to give away our spam fighting secrets on open forum, but suffice it to say we can override them in certain circumstances.
Thought I'd let you know that I now have the button but it says permission denied
Thank for trying to help, I can't wait till I can ask questions. :)
This thread has been awesome!

I'm not ready to start a thread, yet...but I now know how to do it when it is time. Thank you so much for all of the information!

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