How do I teach my Call Ducks to go into their house at night?


Jul 17, 2017
Hi all, I have two 20 week old Call Ducks who have a house on an island, which is situated in the middle of my pond. I've had them for a week now and every night I have to walk over to the island to put them into their house. They come out on their own in the morning and go in and out during the day, but how do I teach them to go in at night?
I have to lure mine with food every night to put them to bed, so I really have no idea... Ducks are well insulated and waterproof, so weather or cold won't bother them and force them to go inside. You say that they use the house during the day, which is a good sign, they recognize it as their home.
I like having the bed-laying routine, it's a good way to bond with my ducks and at the same time check them for any injuries or illness.
Thank you for your reply! Mine normally go in to their house as soon as I walk through the water and climb onto the island, I was just wondering if there was a way of teaching them that when it's dark, they should go into their house. But yes I enjoy the bed-laying routine too, it's just a hassle having to walk through the water and climb onto the island haha :)
Thank you for your reply! Mine normally go in to their house as soon as I walk through the water and climb onto the island, I was just wondering if there was a way of teaching them that when it's dark, they should go into their house. But yes I enjoy the bed-laying routine too, it's just a hassle having to walk through the water and climb onto the island haha :)

If you can walk out to the island to put your call ducks in their house what about predators? Most will swim right out there and help themselves unless your ducks are securely closed up at night. Walking behind them is one way of teaching them to go up but if the door remains open all night they will be sitting ducks.
At the moment they have chicken wire around the perimeter of the island to prevent preditors. I am intending to take this down and let them onto the pond once they learn to go into their home at night. I currently walk behind them to get them to go into their home, how long do you think it'll take them til they start doing this without my help? Thanks :)
I'm not sure if this will work, but every time I have broody Hens with new babies, and they are ready to go to the coop. I close them in the house of the night on dark, and open it first thing in the morning. I only do this once and they learn the house is warm and the night spot. Let us know how you go?
From what I have read many ducks will never put themselves to bed. Repetition with food is your best bet to make it easier to get them in. . but I bet you will be lucky if they ever go on their own. Mine have a predator proof pen I lock them up in at night with a little box attached for shelter . . they hardly ever go in the box part. They prefer to sit out by their water bowl all night.
Thank you all for your comments, they are all very helpful! I will keep walking behind them at night and putting them into their house for another week or so, but I understand they might just want to stay outside by the bowl at night. Thanks :)

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