How do I tell a good egg from a bad egg?


10 Years
Jul 6, 2009
I am fairly new to ordering eggs. Till recently I just hatched what I had or friends had. My question is what do you look for when candling the eggs? I have always just incubated them but now I want to know what to look for so I know from the get go weather the eggs are any good. If you know of a site where it shows damaged eggs vs. Good eggs that would be very helpful! Thank you all so much!
If you candle them after they arrive and before incubation, you should lookout for any hairline cracks or chips and see if you can make out the yolk to see if it is the right shape. During incubation look out for veins and an embryo early on in incubation. Later on in incubation the egg should be completely black. Good luck!

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