How do you clean your eggs after gathering and before refridgeration?

don't do anything...I figure the bacteria are more afraid of what they might catch from me!
cooking them! okay, okay, just kidding....

i've read many debates here on byc about this very topic, and the consensus seems to be - people do all sorts of things and it all works! after reading all of the pros and cons of washing vs. not washing, WE decided to just plop 'em in the fridge and only wash them right before using if they're really gross (sometimes i wonder WHAT they stepped in right before hopping into the nest box and stepping all over someone else's eggs...). they have a naturally antibacterial "bloom" to them that you wash off with the application of water, allowing the penetration of the shell by bacteria. so. unless an egg is particularly grody when i bring it in (in which case i just wipe/rub lightly with a very BARELY damp paper towel) i don't do anything!

All of our eggs get washed before they go into the fridge or get cooked. I don't like the thought of putting them in there and possibly contaminating my other foods.
I don't use older or pooey eggs for things that won't get thoroughly cooked (runny scrambled eggs, mayonnaise, etc).

Anything that gets fully cooked isn't going to give you salmonella

Really, your eggs are probably less germy than storeboughten ones, assuming your chickens live in hygeinic conditions and you keep your nest box filler clean. i wouldn't worry about it.

Good luck, have fun,


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