How do you cook your eggs

I hard boiled an egg yesterday for my 5 day olds. Gave them (6 chicks) about 1 or 2 teaspoons (crumbled up) yoke only. they loved it. Din't want to overdo it as they are so young.
I boil some of my smaller eggs to eat them at lunch (I brown bag it to work). I'll usually give them some of those if I have to many. Otherwise, they generally don't get any since there's not a lot of surplus going around at my house LOL. Chopped fine. When they get older, I just chop 'em up with the shell.
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Please keep in mind that the original question was for chicks, not laying hens.

They can have the eggs cooked scrambled or boiled but NO shells until they start laying. Too much calcium early on can cause some long term health issues.
My hens are three yo now and do occasionally lay eggs with no shell, only the membrane or a soft shell. If it hasn't already been eaten by the time I find it, I open it up and let them eat it. They have never become egg eaters. I also give them the deformed turkey eggs too. I do give baby turkey poults and chicks cooked eggs to get off to a good start.
I was going to get on here and tell you that you should move this to the recipe forum.

... but I do scrambled because if I do hard boiled they ALL want just the yolk and leave the white... less waste w/scrambled.
I'm a meanie, they get no treats until at least 4-6 weeks. And they must have grit once they start getting treats!
I have been feeding mine hard boiled eggs since they were seven days old. They didn't like them when I chopped them up real tiny, but love them when I cut the egg into bigger cubes. They do eat the yolks first, but when the yummy part runs out they go back and finish off the whites. They are pigs with feathers.

I have never fixed scrambled eggs for my girls. The reason being they need to be scrambled in some kind of fat. The only time I gave my chicks any kind of fat, they got runny poops. Do you scramble them in a way they don't contain very much fat?
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You can cook a couple of scrambled eggs in a bowl in the microwave and add no fat. They don't taste good for humans to me...but daughter likes them-chickens too.

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