How do you do it? Please advise.

True, it does. but what would be the worst thing you'd run into? Perhaps need to put down a new sub floor? But, then again... if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it. In our case, it was broke. I couldn't breathe every night. The minute I went into the bedroom, the choking would start. And we knew what was there. We built the house! So any sins that needed to be covered were our own!
Sometimes carpet is the only option in flooring. The house I used to rent had carpet that was probably 10+ years old. With permission from the landlord and a promise to put laminate squares or something down, I ripped it out. Under that old carpet was carpet padding that had turned to dust in a lot of places. Under the padding, hardwood floors. Beautiful. I just had to pull all the carpet pad staples out, sweep, mop, it was beautiful. Our home now currently has a family room and the floors have been rotted out, bubbled up from leaks, ripped out, replaced in spots, and now the floor will never be level. Even using flooring leveler. Carpet is the only option.
Very sorry about what your wife and you are going through.

I too use a vinegar/water solution, for everything, including the coop and avoid chemical cleaners altogether. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and deodorizer. In addition to all the ways @wyoDreamer stated, it can also be used to clean windows without leaving streaks. For things like grease or tile, I spray it well and then let it set for a few minutes before scrubbing. I find it decreases the amount of elbow grease I put into it quite a bit. The vinegar smell does dissipate quickly but it's barely noticeable when you're using it if you add essential oils or even just lemon juice to the solution which is another natural disinfectant. It's also inexpensive and will save you a ton in various cleaning supplies.

Socks without partners get turned into dusting/cleaning mitts that can be tossed into the washer after each use. I have kids and they're big helpers too. They bicker over who gets to sweep/mop/vacuum which rooms, feed pets, collect eggs, etc. If you have kids/grands around as @Outpost JWB suggested, get them to help. Turn cleaning into games and there's no bribery required and put on some music that makes you want to move.
Hoping your wife is doing better!
I know this is an older thread, but very helpful.

Adding non iodine salt to a little vinegar and rubbing alcohol makes a good scrubbing paste for those tough grease spots.
409 and goo gone are staples for the kitchen.

I use Comet powder sprinkled on a stain on the kitchen counter that has been moistened with a little water. I let it set and the bleach in the comet erases the stain with that wipe off.

Murphy's oil soap comes in handy. I mixed it up and used it on the wood paneling when we moved in the farmhouse...the previous owners were both smokers and used a wood stove for heating. Really cleaned off the smoke and cigarette residue that had accumulated over their 20 years.

Gold Listerine (the old kind) is a great disinfectant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial. It was first made to help in cleaning surgery rooms. I use a 10% solution in a sprayer for after cleaning. Great for bathrooms, kitchen and doorknobs. (Can also be used in the incubator and to sanitize eggs before setting.)

Lavendar scented Pinesol is good on tile and linoleum flooring, woodwork, and garage floors, and barn surfaces. Helps get rid of flies. For barns and garage floor, I mix in a sprayer following directions on the bottle for mopping and spray liberally.

Baking soda and vinegar is great for sink drains, but can also be used as a de-greaser for the vent screen of the stove vent. Set it in a dishpan...sprinkle on the soda and then add the vinegar. Let it sit for a while until the foaming stops. Rinse with hot water.

The original Dawn dish soap is a great degreaser ... safe for animals too.
I have asthma and very chemical sensitive especially to artificial scents. I now primarily use natural homemade cleaners along with some rubbing alcohol. A favorite for a spray cleaner is 1/4 cup of Dr. Bonner's castile soap (lots of types are available peppermint and tea tree are my favorites), 1/2 cup vinegar, 1/4 alcohol, and fill a quart spray bottle with water. This will clean most anything.

For my floors (no carpeting) I have these neat flat micro fiber mops one type you use as a dust mop the other is for wet mopping. Makes quick work of tidying up. For the wet mop I put a mix of vinegar, a few drops of tea tree oil, and water in an empty dish soap bottle and squirt a stream on the floor then mop. Of course like right now with all the mud drug in by the dogs it needs a more intense mopping with a string mop and murphy's oil soap (its 99% natural). FYI tea tree oil is good for killing germs.

Alcohol and vinegar mix makes stainless shine. If it gets a grease build up use a steam cleaner on it then the vinegar mix.
One way I was taught to get the built up grease off cabinets was to take a cloth, wrap it around your finger, dip it in warm water then baking soda and start scrubbing.
I use now Bona cabinet cleaner and floor cleaners. Also Simple Green works great.
Only carpet we have is in the bedrooms.

When you are busy it is hard to keep up with the house keeping chores.
Im so sorry about you wife. May she heal well and fast.
Vinegar is great!! I love love 409 and mean green for greasy spots.
Murphys oil soap works GREAT for wood and smells absolutely wonderful.
I have a farm 6 kids and 5 dogs and three cats and 2 guinea pigs. Daily cleaning is a must lol
Old farm houses seem to be the worst for dust and webs I swear. Lol
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, I'm sorry for your troubles.
Once you get the cabinets scrubbed as others have suggested (careful not to scrub the finish off), you might want to give them a quick wipe whenever you do the dishes. After washing dishes I wipe down the stove and the cabinets above with the soapy dish rag. It only takes a minute and doesn't let it build up into a huge scrubbing job.

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