How do you get rid of hawks?

You don't. Unless you A: apply for the permit in order to shoot them. B: illegally harm them. Remember, they are federally protected and fines are HUGE. Also, nature abhors a vacuum, so killing one will just suck another into the opened up territory.

If they are safe and just fussing, big deal. Mine fuss whenever a swallow or crow flies by. They are just reacting to a potential aerial threat.

I find it funny that people have so many issues with birds of prey. Just the other afternoon I was on the porch watching my chickens free range in the tall grass. A coopers hawk was flying over the fields looking for a meal, dipping and weaving. It passed right over my birds and eventually found itself a nice rodent. Considering the chickens would have been easy prey, it must be hard for most chicken owners to realize that NOT every bird of prey is out to eat your chickens.
You don't. Unless you A: apply for the permit in order to shoot them. B: illegally harm them. Remember, they are federally protected and fines are HUGE. Also, nature abhors a vacuum, so killing one will just suck another into the opened up territory.

If they are safe and just fussing, big deal. Mine fuss whenever a swallow or crow flies by. They are just reacting to a potential aerial threat.

x2. I would especially emphasize the comment that killing one just draws another one into a vacant niche.​
It has been said by BYC'ers wiser and more experienced than I that crows in the vicinity will keep hawks away. Apparently crows are the nemesis of hawks, so encourage crows to stay in the area and you may help reduce or eliminate the problem.

How to do that, I'm not sure. Maybe have a feeder with whole grain corn in it or cracked corn. I'm sure others can help with that idea.

Good luck.
Agreed. I free ranged for years and never lost one to a bird of prey.
I don't know why so many people have a hatred for hawks, falcons, owls, etc. They really are magnificant birds!
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