How do you handle unwanted evangelists who knock at your door?

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I ask them if they wood like to stack wood for the afternoon in exchange for a home cooked meal on the condition we talk about everything BUT religion. They usually jump at the chance. I have wood stacked 3+ years ahead, and I am told I'm a great cook. They're generally nice kids away from home for a loooong time, and I would want strangers to be kind to my children if the situation were reversed. It also doesn't hurt to show them that non-churchy people can be kind and tolerant too.
I just say I'm not interested, and close the door. Of course it's only open a smidge anyway, and I have two ferociously barking dogs behind me, so it usually works.
I rarely open the door for someone I don't know. If I do and it is someone like that, I simply close it.
I smile and say "no thank you" and close the door.

Except this one time one of them happened to be fair to middling cute and I talked to her for a little while. The mean looking old battle axe that was with her kept my ardor in check so they didn't make it in the door either.

This was back in my single days in case anybody read my "I miss my wife thread". : )
for some reason the post reminds me of this.

to each person someone else's religion is strange, and it can cause hurt feelings when their religion is trivialized. A friend who practices the traditional religion of his tribe sent this to me.

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I hope those suggesting rude and sometimes dangerous methods of dismissing unwanted witnesses were just kidding. Lord have mercy, seems to me there is enough hate in the world without perpetuating it.

Funny thing is , some believe in freedom of religion as long as it's theirs.

I recently had a couple who came to my door for a religion I used to "study" with and I just let them know that "this was a Christian household and I wasn't interested" and that was that. They didn't attempt to dispute with me cuz I wouldn't have indulged them. At my age I've heard and read plenty. Not only is my mind made up but it is closed on the matter too.

If you don't try to proselytize me, I won"t try to proselytize you. All you need to say is "I'm not interested" and close the door.

Though I must confess my sense of humor got the better of me when I read a posters sign on the gate that read. "We found Jesus , he was behind the couch".

or the one that says, "We found Jesus , we like our vacuum and gave at the office".

There's no reason to be rude, unless they ask for it by being pushy, then I've been known to push back. Like the time they were talking to my young son and he had a pamphlet in his hand then I got mad and they ran down the side walk.

Of course as usual this more than I think the op asked for.

The last time they visited our two german shepherds happened to be out in the yard.

The traveling preachers ain't been back since, dunno why.
There is very obvious written notice outside. If they ignore it when I am in the city, nudity. If I am in the country there's a large fence so its the shotgun for anyone unknown. That's expected here and that's why it never happens.
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