How do you keep predators out of a chicken tractor?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 26, 2009
Eastern Pennsylvania
The purpose is to change their pasture so you need it to be open, but how do you keep predators out at night? chicken wire? hardware cloth? My sides are hardware cloth....
Hardwarecloth, or at least 1x1 welded wire in a good heavy gauge, is a lot safer than chickenwire. I lock mine into the house portion of the tractor at night, though, as we have weasels in addition to numerous very bold raccoons.

To discourage things from digging under, it helps to have a horizontal apron of sturdy wire going out from the base of the tractor, pinned or weighted onto the ground, as wide as you can deal with from a practical standpoint. The apron on mine is only 6" wide but I've seen wider versions that hinge up for transport and would've built mine that way if I'd come across the idea sooner.

Good luck, ahve fun,

Thank you. The apron is a great idea. I get overwhelmed sifting through ideas on here. There is a wealth of info, but hard to get through sometimes! Thank you so much for replying!
I leave my dog out at night with the chicken tractor, she's an American eskimo spitz and she thinks they are her herd to take care of.

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