How do you keep your butter?


11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
Dutch Flat, CA
So I normally keep butter in the fridge, but usually keep a small amount in the cupboard in my butter dish. Well I broke the lid to that dish when I moved so I looked for a new one and saw a butter dish that you put water in and turn upside down , it supposedly keeps the butter fresher. Anyone have one?
Like it? How do you keep your butter for spreading?

Nothing worse than hard cold butter when you need to spread it...

I have one of those butter keepers... You need to change the water every few days to keep the butter fresh, and make sure the urn is good and dry inside before you squish your butter into or it will slide out when you go to lift the top from the water(maybe the light suction causes it).
With that said... I LOVE MINE!!! And it is kept filled cause it is so nice to be able to spread freash butter on my toast, or dab it on my veggies... Nothin beats the real deal.
I have a terra cotta one made to be soaked in water which evaporates slowly, keeping it cool. It absorbed some butter (the surface is glazed, so I don't know how) and now smells like rancid butter; thus it's retired & I use a small plate.
It only melts on really hot days
Or if someone uses the convection oven next to it for too long *blush*
I don't have a cat that jumps on the counter (not allowed in the house anyway,
) So therefore, it is on a platter sitting on the counter top.

Actually, a friend of mine never refrigerates butter and she uses the stoneware crock, upside down thing. She does keep it meticulously clean.

I personally like it refrigerated, except for one vintage glass butter dish that I keep a half stick in. That's the spreading butter, and if it doesn't get used, it goes to the dogs. Literally.
Mine sits on the counter in a glass butter dish. Nothing fancy.
I don't have to worry about it staying fresh, as we use it often.
Mine is also in a butter dish on the counter - well, one stick is. The rest is in the fridge. I never have a problem with it going bad except in the heat of the summer, so it's in the fridge then. I hate cold butter when I want to spread it, but it softens up pretty quick when the temps are in the 90's!

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