How do you keep your nipples from freezing?

I am working on a watering nipple system too. The wintertime does seem problematic. The best I have come up with is the installation of a brewer's circulating pump, return lines, and a heat source in the water source. That way warm water is always circulating through the lines, keeping (hopefully) everything warm enough to prevent freezing. there's is a 15 year old perv kid in me and he just blushed and made his hands like he was squishing boobs and said "I can warm them up"
I could not get through this with a straight face. I nearly fell off my chair
I have been laughing and snorting as I read this thread to my wife.

She has been shaking her head slowly and wondering how we have survived so long as a species.

(If loving boobies is wrong, then I don't want to be right.)

Oh, and the heater idea was great. I will have to try that this winter.
That's what I was thinking. I have a 5 gallon bucket gravity fed down to 1 1/4" pipe with two lines for watering. One line is inside the coop with the other running down below the coop for when the gals are outside. I know the bucket will stay warm and I can wrap the bucket and the lines, the outside nipples will be my biggest problem. I am comtemplating making a recirculation system with a submersible pond pump and an aquarium heater. If a 10 gallon heater will work in a 5 gallon bucket system outside, I should be good. If your bucket just has nipple screwed to the bottom of it, I am almost certain that your fish tank heater will be more than adequate.

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