How do you keep your rabbits cool?


7 Years
Jun 11, 2012
Pope County, Arkansas
We just had a 110 degree day here in Arkansas. I tried my best to keep my buns cool by putting out frozen bottles with them to lay against, but my buck and one of my 2 does succumbed to the heat today :( I just feel sick. Luckily the sweetest one survived, but they were all sweet :'( I do not want my Buneary to get heat exhaustion! We are scheduled to have 102+ degree days for the next week. How do you keep your bunnies cool on days like that? I want to do everything I can for her.
if it got above 100 we used to bring them into the house. We had temp cages (even cardboard boxes worked) and they were in our garage which was connected to the house and had ac.

I'd bring the survivor in for a day or two and add some electrolytes to the water and give them a chance to recover from today.

sorry about your losses
When we kept rabbits we used to freeze 20oz plastic pop bottle full of water and put them in the cages so the rabbits could lay against them. We replaced the bottles a couple times a day and they really seemed to enjoy them.
We've never had to deal with 110, but we get plenty of days in the 90's every year, and a few days of 100+. A fan that blows near, but not directly on, the rabbits helps. Rabbits don't sweat, but they lose a lot of heat through their ears, so moving air around them can make a big difference. I think shade is obvious, the denser the better. I also have a soaker hose on the roof of my rabbitry. When the temps get above 90, I turn it on. Between the evaporative cooling from the hose and the fan, the rabbitry is often the most comfortable place here (outside the a.c, of course!)
I live in Oregon so we get a fair variety in weather and temps but for keeping rabbits cool in high heat bringing them in is always nice-though not practical if you have more then 3 rabbits-I put 2 frozen large water bottles like big soda bottles in the cage (if there is say a doe and a litter, and 1 if it's a single rabbit) with them, a crock with ice cubes and soaked frozen carrots. I also try to put a fan near them but not directly on them, hang wet towels over the cage for moisture and shade and use a little spray bottle to spray down their ears often during the day.
If you get afraid they are too close to heat stroke (if they are extremely lethargic etc) you can bring them in and set them in a wet towel in a bathtub or sink and just keep wetting them down little by little to bring their internal temperature down-however do not use cold water it will shock their systems start with lukewarm water and gradually cool them down.
We don't normally get that hot but hopefully that helps you save your doe
I'm sorry to hear about your other rabbits it's a hard thing losing them to heat...
we don;t hit the 100's but the high 90's i use old ziploc containers, pop bottles ect fill and freeze but they seem to like the ziploc containers better if you take the tops off they seem to chew all my lids. a fan, and we got something like this
to out in their water bottles a few times
we don;t hit the 100's but the high 90's i use old ziploc containers, pop bottles ect fill and freeze but they seem to like the ziploc containers better if you take the tops off they seem to chew all my lids. a fan, and we got something like this
to out in their water bottles a few times
That's a neat gadget! I will look for some of those.
We lost one lop yesterday @ 106. We put the rest in the dining room for a couple days. 103 today and tomorrow. Then back in the low 90's.

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