How do you live with yourself eating the birds you raised?

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lol just smart enough to get myself in trouble . . . I wasn't taking a jab at you, hope you know that
still looking forward to meeting you in Reno next year.
let me explain the way i think:

Coop 1: Chickens that give me eggs. ones i hold, talk to, give treats=Pets

Eventual Coop 2: Chickens that give me eggs and ones i feed once a day=Dinner

If i dont go hold them, give them treats, LOVE them, etc, then i'm fine, but the hens ive loved and treated and talked to etc are pets i wont eat
Thanks for posting this! I have been trying to convince my hubby that a couple of piglets would be a good addition...he said that they wouldn't "because there's too much waste"...5 months, and a full freezer convinced him otherwise
Thank you!
I think regardless of what the OP meant, we do have a lot of good discussion and reasons here, for the folks who might be squeamish on doing the deed.

And yes, I totally, completely believe animals have souls (WHOLE other thread!), but I also think a bear or other large critter would happily kill and eat me if given a chance, and be just as happy with me for dinner as I am for chicken for dinner
Dude... that's a lot of meat! Awesome you can fill your freezer that full with two pigs! I have two right now that are pushing 350-400 but the intent is to to keep them for breeders. I was wondering when I seen the pick if you let them get pigger... I mean bigger than you planned.
don't think I'll ever eat any of my chickens, nor will anyone else. Nobody will eat my dogs, or my cats, either. And yet I still eat chicken, beef and pork someone else has raised (however horribly) and butchered, and packaged. For I am a lazy omnivore.

And that is ok, chickens can be pets. My whole point is the OP doesn't eat chicken because she has a few for pets.... not your case. Your not alone in not wanting to process your own food that you raised. In fact your the majority and there is nothing wrong with it, as long as your not naive to really now what goes on.​
Hey, hey, hey.... I drink afterwards.

But ya I agree..... Oh man what is this board coming to.
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