How do you make OSB (strand board) coops 'pretty'


Prairie Wolf Farm Asylum
10 Years
Feb 12, 2009
NE Kansas
Or, how do you make it less ugly? I'm working on a coop that will be sheathed with OSB. I do plan to paint it, and maybe add some trim to dress it up a little, but what else? What have you guys done to pretty up your OSB coops? Pictures and suggestions welcome.
Thanks, Blackbart. I thought about trying that, but wondered how it would look on the OSB. Did you paint or stain yours?
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If you like the look of the OSB, here is an article about staining it.

My DH uses OSB at lot for his building props. I think he usually paints it. He is not home right now. I will check with him when he gets in.
I know that when he is finished the set pieces are gorgeous and you would never know OSB was involved, but I am not sure if he sheathes it in anything, or if they just paint it. When he gets in I will ask and pass it on.
We used a really good primer on the OSB and then painted it. You can't even tell that it is OSB unless you get really close and the primer protects the wood. A pretty color for the top coat will cheer it right up. Sorry I don't have any pics of that one.
Unless the OSB is the 3/4" t&g labeled "Advan-tech" or similar it will not hold up to moisture so must be primed and painted well. Then it will last exposed to the elements. Otherwise it will deteriorate as it is not really designed for exterior use but only as an underlayment.
This is so funny....
I'm building a small coop out of OSB and I think it is so ugly too!
I was just thinking about this yesterday, wondering how I was going to make it more attractive. I'd like a cute coop, but more importantly I owe it to my neighbors. I plan to add some batens and stain mine, so I was glad to read the other posts. Since mine does not have a gabled roof
I feel there's only so much I can do. I will be adding a paned window, but it won't show from the street, or the from the neighbors.
A window box would be cute, but again, it wouldn't show. Also, I suppose the chickens would ruin it.
Good Luck, keep us posted, I'll share whatever I come up with and hope you will too.

Carrie Lynn
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I am planning on adding window boxes to my big coop as well to make it look cute. I wouldn't suggest putting real plants in it though unless it is something that the chickens can eat.
Instead of buying the window boxes, I am going to make them out of the leftovers from when I built the coop. I figure I can look at a picture, make a template and then cut the pieces out. I painted my coop to match the colors of my house. I didn't use OSB for the large coop though. I used basically t1-11.
Salunra, thanks for the link to the article. It also had an article on painting, which will come in handy if I go that way.

Dsqard and Carrie Lynn, I love the window box idea! May have to try that one (with fake flowers!)

Puredelight; that is my fear; that the OSB will not hold up to the elements if left unprotected. My dad told me that they now use a waterproof glue in it,but it still concerns me. I'm hoping that painting or staining will increase it's longevitiy.

Anyone have a picture of a stained OSB coop?

Great ideas--thanks guys!
I just built one with osb, I will probably put vinyl siding on it next spring, maintains free. The osb will hold up for the winter. Just a suggestion, if you put batten on it I would not put one across the bottom. That is where water and snow will sit and rot it out even if it is painted or stain. You want to avoid any places that water can sit on.
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