How do you pronounce....

My sister said that the French pronunciation would be Ma-Rans though I don't think that Maw-rans is very close to the samething imo.

PS My little Sister is very smart.
I say AustraloRp, but I've gotten into arguments because I didn't say orffffington or duckull for orPington (where is there a F or H in that word????) and d'uccle. Also, it's a Ameraucana not a freaking Armour car aaaaa. Sometimes it's easier to grit teeth and scream when you get home.
I just have to ask, because I never thought of it before: How do you pronounce Araucana? I know it can't be like I heard on the Cooking Channel during a discussion about egg colors. There it was pronounced "uh-roo-canoe". Then I started doubting my own pronunciation. So, how do y'all say it?
This thread is very helpful -- I'm going to save the answers -- :)

Maybe some clever someone will put together a total 'vocabulary list' with the correct pronunciation of all breeds --

I say 'wine dot' but I have heard the clerk at our Tractor Supply say 'wine dotty' --

Of course, here in the South we have our own 'take' on many words


Some years ago we found a little chihuahua in a parking lot -- put a 'found' ad in the paper --

The first person called said, 'If you don't find a home for that 'chi-hooa-hooa' I'll take it.' I smile every time I see that word now --

(We were able to re-unite 'Duzy' with his people)
There was a link to a dictionary site that you could click a button to hear the word pronounced correctly. They had Wyandotte, pronounced pretty much how it's spelled, Wy-an-dot. NO "H". If you say it fast it comes out Wine-dot, but I see people spell it, "Wine Dot", it makes me crazy. They did not have Maran, on that website, which I would also like to know.

D'uccle is Doo-clay.
This is the way I have always heard it pronounced. But Rarefeathers and I are both on the West Coast.
So for Araucana it's a long "a" sound at the beginning? I was pronouncing it (to myself as I read it) as are-uh-con-uh. So I wasn't too far off, but I'm wondering where in the world the people on that show were figuring their pronunciation.
Like many others on TV these days, sounds like they were just clueless. I hear so many people on TV give out wrong information, mispronounce words, and use the wrong words for things. I wish I had a dollar for every time I've heard somebody who should know better, such as a journalist, say something like, "Every since I heard about......" instead of "Ever since I heard about..."

Throw a new word like "Araucana" at them...

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