How do you sell chickens for meat?

Anyone out there in the forum world doing this in Michigan? I'm only looking to sell less than 100 birds, don't plan on processing them myself (will have this done at a local processing facility), I plan on having the "customers" pick them up on my farm, etc. Anyone else know what I will need to do to follow the "rules?"
I'm so annoyed that there ARE rules! Thanks for any advice on the topic. BTW: I've been on the USDA website, and am not finding helpful information.
Can someone help with the Iowa laws? I've seen frozen birds sold at farmers markets as well, how do I do that legally?
My experience as an ODA-USDA processing Plant is, The laws are written so only lawyers can understand them! We on the most part have had good inspectors that were very helpful in trying to interpret the laws, but you still have some different interpretation from different inspectors. To sell at a farmers market the first place to go would be your county health department and apply for a license then they can give you the regulations pertaining to your state. You must still have your birds processed at a state or federal plant and have the mark of Inspection on each package to go to a farmers market. We have customers that will bring us the birds that they take to the market and process the birds they sell from the farm under the 1000 bird exemption rule.
Hi, I know this is an older post, but thought people in Virginia might find it interesting. Seems it's ok to sell from your home And farmer's market. Here are two links where I found the info. Hope it helps.
This is a great site to check for poultry processing regulations Poultry Processing Regulations and Exemptions. Besides your state you also need to check locally with the health department and the zoning department. Keep in mind, processing or value added production might be classified as industrial and therefore not allowed on farm or may require a special use or conditional use permit before you set up shop. Also check with your state to see how they handle farmer to friend or on farm only sales. Many states don't regulate this for under 1,000 birds, but you cannot advertise of deliver, the actual transaction must occur on the farm, Salatin gets away with outdoor processing because he sells his chickens to customer only on farm. The other thing to remember, that in some zoning jurisdictions, if you take your birds to a licensed processor state or USDA inspected, and bring them back in plastic, you may not be able to sell them off the farm legally. This is product is not considered to be your farm product because you took the bird off-site to process. In other jurisdiction, you may be able to sell these birds off the farm, but will be considered a retail store and subject to regulations regarding retail stores (i.e. a license, public restrooms, refrigerated and frozen storage within the store. You may also have to provide a paved parking area with a minimum number of regular parking spaces and a handicapped parking area).
If you are looking for fast Growth go with the Cornish Cross, Moderate Growth and still have a bird that moves and forages more try the Freedom Ranger, or there are many duel purpose birds that will give you a smaller bird that may take 4 to 5 month to harvest.

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